Impromptu Wolverine Fun

Humid.  Monday.  5:45.  Circled the wagons and we are off.

Warmups- Short and Sweet

  • Couple o Laps around the parking lot…Butt Kickers, High Knees, Side Shuffles were mixed in.  Circled up for Diamond Merkins15x and Hillbillies15X

The Thang

  • Formed a line for Indian runs.  Left the Park and went across the street to Park Village Drive.  1/2 Mile later we end up at the park on the right.
  • Performed 4 Corners as a group.
    • Spot 1- Burpees……Spot 2- Jump Lunges……Stop 3- Peter Parker Pushups…..Stop 4- Plank Hold
      • Performed 2 rounds, tabata style.  Q estimates about 60 seconds per corner
    • Exited Park, circled up for some squat holds.
  • Indian Run back to the site, 1/2 mile.  Quickly this turned in to a Prisindian Run for as long as the Pax could handle…some longer than others….
  • Once back at the site, Partnered up under the shelter
    • DORA 1-2-3
      • Partner 1 exercises, Partner 2 runs around the parking lot……100 Mountain Climbers, 200 LBC’s, 300 Flutter Kicks
  • Exited Shelter, with time to spare.  Pax took a lap then lined up at first circle for Bear Crawls followed by 15 Donkey Kicks.
  • Back to the shelter for American Hammers and stretching.
  • Recover


  • Possible change to Wolverine tip time to 5:30.  ***UPDATE*** New starting time is 5:30
  • Hi Liter would like feedback on a possible discipleship on Monday mornings…

Hi- Liter led us out



  1. Found a Crack spoon at the playground…Be careful out there folks
  2. Spotted a white Subaru wanna be in the parking lot.  Creeped on us real hard
  3. The humid morning was a great reminder of how much I miss summer work outs.
  4. Happy to lead as always!

See also