Impromptu Q

YHC was a bit groggy rolling into Claymore, looking forward to a thorough Riptide beatdown to wake up. Site Q fail right off the bat, as Frisco had to abruptly leave town to deal with family health issues and YHC had not acquired the shovel flag. Nonetheless, the PAX all stood in a loose circle looking expectantly for Riptide’s signature truck to come rolling in. Quick look at the Steve shows that it’s 5:45 and everyone is expectantly looking at YHC. OK, so it’s gonna be like that. Time to wake up!

Skipper heads off with his ruck to do whatever Skipper does when he goes off with his ruck. The rest of us mosey to the side lot for some warm-up stuff, with YHC thinking of the next exercise while calling cadence for the current one. This is way more mental energy than YHC had intended to use at Claymore today. It was something like this, all x10 in cadence:

  • Good Mornings
  • Sir Fazios forward and backward
  • Standard Merkins
  • Windmills
  • Imperial Walkers

OK, time to crowd-source this thing. Suggestions from Pivot, Kwik Stop and Sosa for exercises yield heels to heaven, squats and hillbillies. That’ll work. Let’s pair up and do some Dora 1-2-3. P1 does exercises while P2 jogs the pickle and back, repeat until done.

Plenty of time during Dora to come up with Thang 2. Off to the signature Claymore rock pile for a few circuits of lifting. Two trips around the pickle, with stops at each corner for 10 reps on the first lap, 15 on the second. Jog the pickle between each round.

  • Rock rows
  • Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Goblin Squats

Still 10 minutes left, so let’s do that again.

That puts us at 6:25, so back to where the flag should be for Mary. Various things were called including Eskimo Merkins, Control Freak Merkins and other things that weren’t merkin-related that YHC can’t recall at this point.

Count-o-rama: 9 PAX, 1 rucker. (2 Respects, 8 meh)

No announcements were made.

Prayer requests for Frisco’s dad, Kwik Stop’s son.


  • Nothing like an impromptu Q to get you out of the fog at 5:45 AM!
  • YHC usually likes to plan Q’s days in advance with detailed notes, so this was particularly challenging, but a good way to expand the comfort zone a bit.
  • Turns out Riptide’s absence was due to some technical difficulties with a new phone, which he apologized for profusely. No worries, Rip. When you Q as much as you do, it’s bound to happen some times!
  • Thanks to the PAX for bearing with me. Always a pleasure to lead.

See also