Imperial Death March, DZ style

15 stormtroopers marched on Danger Zone this morning, destroying the rebel alliance…otherwise known as our shoulders. In concelebration of May the Fourth, YHC spun up a beatdown complete with Star Wars flavored fun. Under a bright moon and the glow of light sabers, we welcomed an FNG, Pete, and dutifully recited the disclaimer. And then the fun began…

Of course, the first warmup move of any respectable May the Fourth workout has to be…Imperial Walkers.

Then we tried something new: Jedi Jacks. Using only the power of The Force, we synchronized our side straddle hops in silence. The goal was to start and finish 21 reps in unison. Alas, we failed thanks to some antics from a couple of PAX…resulting in 5 penalty burpees, OYO.

On to a ‘plank-o-name-o-rama’- all PAX assumed the plank position and we named Star Wars characters around the circle - no repeats, and any mistakes resulted in 6-inch holds and right/left arm raises.

Once we were sufficiently warmed up, we moseyed into the forest.

Thang 1: Catwalk of Pain - most Star Wars films feature death defying scenes on catwalks, so we did our best to recreate this doing a Tunnel of Love across the bridge - PAX span the bridge from rail to rail in a shoulder burning hold, while we bear-crawled underneath. It took us 3 reps to cross the bridge. And it hurt.

Thang 2: Imperial Death March - grab a travel rock. Two PAX grab lightsabers and run the loop, whilst the rest of the PAX lunge walk with overhead press and forward press. Shoulder burn galore. And quad/glute burn taboot.

Thang 3: Mosey to the climbing rock for a round of dips-urkins-dips-derkins. And just when you thought your shoulders were sufficiently fried, let’s finish with Skywalker Handstands (aka BTTW).

Mary: Jedi’s Choice - low slow flutter, American hammer, Somethin’ Somethin’ Thor (WW2 with an American hammer…ouch), dying cockroach, and Have A Nice Day. You’re welcome.

Announcements: Mother’s Day coming up next week…are you ready? South Wake Cinco de CSAUP on Saturday

Praise and Prayers: Praise for Pierogi’s daughter’s first communion this weekend; Hi-Liter’s mom for some tough times ahead, Grease Monkey’s mom, Burt’s BIL John in the hospital with complications from chemo, Callahan’s brother’s recovery from motorcycle accident and battles with alcoholism.


  • As always, a joy and honor to lead you guys. I had a lot of fun today and hope you did to.
  • Welcome to FNG ‘Saber’, named in honor of the occasion and the coincidental anagram spelling Saber in his last name (minus a couple of letters)
  • Sosa, your cadence skills are outstanding (according to Ma Bell and the pain in my abs)
  • Ollie, what was that Thor thing called??? Nevermind, I am choosing to forget it.
  • Angry Elf, thanks for helping DJ the occasion
  • Pierogi and Flip-Flop, two of the best ever site Q’s on Norwell Blvd.
  • May the Fourth Be With You.

See also