Imperfect 10

YHC, some time back (before GT opened), posted at the site pre-opening, after running a 10k there from home, with plans to run home from there. Somewhere in the middle (okay, real close to the beginning), the tank was already empty. Q was calling some pretty high tempo stuff, and asked for pax to call an exercise upon arriving to the carpool dropoff spot. YHC was called upon, and called a 10-count to catch breath. “There are no 10-counts at a high-tempo workout!” was the snarled reply from at least Franklin and Banjo IIRC.

It’s been a thing since.

So, today we did 10-counts.


3 for the clockwise 3.4 mile loop (Michelob, Largemouth, YHC) after strategic cone placement on the “track”.

At 5:28 there was no shovel flag, no Hi-Liter, no Biner. Large was there, but it wasn’t his turn with the flag. Fortunately, Insomnia/Vesper flag is portable and always with YHC, so we were covered. 5:29 and lotsa guys coming in on 2 wheels. HiLiter last to the dance, after the start. Lotsa protesting that Q’s watch was fast, blah blah blah. And in all that mess, Q forgot the disclaimer :(


1st exercise; Pledge of Allegiance

10 penalty burpees OYO

Follow me for a warmup run out of the lot, then back in.

Circle up for:


10 windmills IC

10 Hotspot Hackysacks IC

10 LLCoolJ’s (lunge jump left, lunge jump right, burpee, jump squat)

Run around the big lot and into the pull up pen, partner up along the way

Thang 1

Co-SiteQ Hi Liter (you know, the one that arrived late) reminded YHC that disclaimer had been omitted, so he stated such along the way.

Remembered what else I forgot at the warmup, so 10 Good Mornings IC, then…

P1 10 pullups while P2 (and maybe P3) do 10 ski-abs (it’s a Raleigh thing), flapjack so that each 2-person gets 50 pull ups (or maybe 33 or so for the 3-man groups…Q-fail)

Run around the big lot

Back in the ring for 10 partner derkins, then back out on the run down to the first ring.

Partner Chase around the ring, P1 run, P2 5 lunge jumps, then go get’em. 5 exchanges, for about 3 laps of the ring. Finish up with a reverse plank (sunny side up)

Make new teams of 3 (shoulda done that to start) for the next trick, chariot races around the carpool ring. Race around the ring swapping as needed.

Recover after a lap, some pax in planks doing bird dogs, others missing Biner and his Biner Hops.

Large started wondering about the cones that made YHC late for the EC run start, Hi Liter wanted to go do something on the hill. Hang on Large, and No Hi Liter.

Thang 2

Next up, Indian Run around the track with a stop at each corner for 10 count of various exercises. Hi Liter had mentioned earlier how he loves a Wolverine. Ah, as you wish.

1st corner: 10 mountain climbers

2nd corner: 10 chilcutt jacks

3rd corner: 10 wolverines

4th corner: 10 count world’s worst merkins

9-man Indian run back around the whole track to collect the cones, with a final destination of the gym wall

10-count people’s chair down the line

10-count BTTW Q’s count, with 1-9 regular, then some left arm up, right arm up for the last 1.

Time expiring, it was a sprint to the flag coming in hot at 6:14:56.

As the ruckers arrived, Hi Liter led us in Squatter 100s, which tried to make their way to 150 til the Q shut it down.

2.7 miles:


Good to see Grunge from Churham. Coffeeteria at Starbucks.


Sabre’s 2.x turning 18.

Those on the job search front, reach out as you’re able.

Crimson and his family.

Hi-Liter’s work stuff that came up last week, that caused angst over the weekend, had some ethical decisions that needed to be made, but he decided that the team needed to take a right and truthful path that defused the situation. Taking the right stand was the Holy Spirit at work.

YHC took us out.

See also