If you can do this, you can do the Odyssey

11 pax gather in the lot with perfect fall weather. No FNGs, 3 headlamps and we are off.

Warm up jog followed by SSH, daisy pickers, Good Mornings etc.

Mosey to base of bridge for instructions on the Thang from Braveheart

From middle of bridge, partners go in opp direction with one way being bearcrawl and the other lunge (both to end of the bridge). Run to base of each hill and perform exercise. Flapjack 3 times

Round 1 – HRMs and Squats

Round 2 – Monkey Humpers and CDDs

Round 3 – repeat round 1

BTTW for 10 count down the line

Work our way back to the shovel flag with stops for Irkins, Merkins and Dips

Mary consisted of LBCs, Mountain Climbers and WW2s



Register to vote


Liam – child of Snip’s friend

Water Wings’ brother


Excited that Braveheart felt he was ready for his VQ

Being a typical dad, I wanted to get him to really map out his plan, but in typical teenage fashion “I got this, don’t worry about it”. And he pretty much did.

Best moment was in the announcements when he brought up our CSAUP Odyssey and told the Pax that if they can do this, they can do the Odyssey. #NailedIt

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement they gave him and look forward to him on a solo Q in the future.

See also