If we run fast it's not really trespassing

YHC & Chanticleer for a 3.4 mile EC run. Hanson for a “I woke up late” solo run. Michelob ran in from The Barkley Marathon.

Some knew what they were getting into this morning. Others were caught off guard. All were made stronger.

We started right on time by circling up where we stood for some Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, Plank Jacks.

**Thang 1
**Partner Up. Catch me if you can (w/ Jump Lunges and Star Jumps) from the parking lot to the end of Lynch Rd and stop where the No Trespassing signs are posted. SHHHHH!

Headlamps off, heads down, sprint to Apex Peakway. See, nothing to worry about. Let’s never speak of this again.

**Thang 2
**From the bottom of the switchback at Jaycee Park perform deconstructed burpees. Squats at the bottom, Merkins in the middle, Thrusters at the top. Run to the bottom. That’s 1. Repeat 9 more times increasing the number of reps each time.

Mosey back to the flag.

4.00 miles

American Hammers, 100s

Prayer Vigil coming up
Hermes upcoming surgery
Michelob’s running the Umstead 100 this weekend.

I forgot my Weinke so I couldn’t remember my quote, but here it is, from Coach John Wooden

“You can make mistakes, but you aren’t a failure until you start blaming others for those mistakes.”


See also