If the glove don't fit...


18 of Carpex’s finest HIMs arrived in the finally crisp fall morning hours at North Cary Park for a Doogie VQ adventure.  Mumblechatter was at its finest with Burt in tow especially after I gave him free reign to speak his mind since he named me 4 months ago at Wolverine (spoiler alert).  Unfortunately for Burt he needed to be reigned back in only a few minutes later…

After a nice jog around the pickle we completed the following:

Warm up

Good morning x 10

Daisy pickers x 10

Calf stretch x 2

SSH x 20

Merkins x 10

Run Pickle

10 Wolverines at the bottom, top and bottom again


Thang One: Run to the Basketball court for “Aiken Legs”:


Aiken Legs OYO – 20 Squats, 20 Star Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Split Jacks

Repeato x 3

Run Pickle

5 Wolverines at the top and bottom and top


Thang two: Run to the Shelter

Urkin x 15

Inclined Mountain climbers x 20

Dips x 15

Alternating leg step ups with high knees x 20

Repeato x 3

Run Pickle

5 Wolverines at the top




Freddie Mercury


One arm plank Star crunches

Have a nice day


Pax total: 18

Welcome FNG: Johnnie Cochrane

Announcements: Picnic and Oddessey

Prayers: Hurricane victims, Callahan’s impending 2.0, Riptide’s family member with brain aneurysm



Cool weather for once!

It has been an incredible joy to wake up and hit the ground running with you gentlemen.  I have grown physically and spiritually in the last 4 months.  I am grateful to F3 and to all of you.

The Wolverines were in honor of my first post to Wolverine and my first F3 injury which occurred when performing wolverines at Wolverine – very Meta.

See also