If only ONE-FOUR had posted....

Dammit. So nearly perfect. Some days the all the elements align perfectly and the symmetry and perfection of the universe reveals itself. This was nearly one of those days, if only ONE-FOUR had shown up!

Today, the day widely known as Valentine’s Day, is notable for three very good reasons.

Firstly, sure, there is saint valentine. Martyred for marrying young lovers against the wishes of the Roman emperor, and sentenced to death through beating, torture and then eventually decapitation.

Secondly, and bearing some striking similarities to valentines story (especially the beating and torture bits) is the anniversary of the now legendary Nature Boys VQ, at the world renowned field of dreams (the finest AO in NW Cary on a TUESDAY morning).

Finally and very meaningfully to the men gathered in the gloom on this chilly February morning - it was also to be the day before one of our brothers went into hospital “to get some work down”. Today should perhaps be known as Sooey’s Surgery Send off. Only he didn’t show.

Speaking of no shows, back to where I started off and ONE-FOURs terrible decision not to post this morning at the finest AO in NW Cary on a THURSDAY morning.

An entire forty five minute work out focused on 14 repetitions of every exercise to recognize the significance of today, was followed by a count-a-rama that disappointingly stopped at 13. IF ONLY ONE-FOUR had turned up to add that one extra HIM and get the count to 14 which almost poetically could have ended with ONE-FOUR, then what a perfectly balanced way it would have been to start the day.

Thanks one-four. No, really, thanks.

Run around to Andy Hill & circle up

⁃ 14 SSH;

⁃ 14 windmill;

⁃ 14 wide grip derkins (bollard)

⁃ 14 erkins

⁃ 14 plank jacks

⁃ 14 mountain climbers

⁃ 14 wide grip derkins (bollard)

⁃ 14 erkins

⁃ 14 good mornings

⁃ 14 IW’s

Partner mosey to stairs: Partner up (valentines date)

Partner 1 - run around to other stairs and down stairs & run round back to bottom of stairs

Partner 2 - Stair Sooey-cides - up to level 1 & down - 2 burpees (1 for you & 1 for partner); level 2 - 2 burpees etc

Find your partner & flapjack

Take 2 - P1 run a lap / P2 stairs with 10 LBC’s / flapjack

Take 3 - P1 run modified lap / p2 stairs with 5 star jumps / flapjack


Celebrating Valentines - so partner carry across the pitch.

Return back with partners - wheelbarrow - switch as needed.

Run width & lunge walk / bear crawl back


Abbey road lunge walks - back and forth

Basketball court

⁃ Sooey-cides / BTTW - flapjack

⁃ Sooey-cides / PEOPLES CHAIR - flapjack

Mary….14 x box cutter, oface, hello dolly, heels to heaven, Finish on have a nice day.

AAAARRRRGGGHHHH - back to 13 HIMs - see above for further rant.

COT: Today’s prayers and praises at COT was brought to you by the letter S:

Swag M

Sosa baby

Sooey surgery

Thank you for the privilege of leading this group of fine men today. Happy Valentine’s Day. Apart from one-four.

See also