If by that you mean filled with joy...

18 PAX gathered at the most senior of all CARPEX Monday AOs to help YHC commemorate the completion of my 45th orbit. Hotspot expressed his pre-event concerns about the contents of the Q sheet, but said “at least you didn’t bring your stinkin’ speaker.” Oh, you mean the speaker sitting over by the light pole? Yeah. Good thing.

For now, the speaker was to belt out some 1975 tunes. Not necessarily hits, but all 1975 releases. Spotify for the curious.

Mosey to the 1st lot on the right for warm-up: SSH / MC / merkin / Bartmarmorama (SFAC, seal clap, SFAC reverse, OH clap, Moroccan nightclub)

Mosey back to the 1st lot on the left to turn back the clock:

  • Go 1/4 way around the pickle, counter-clockwise*, lunge walking. Upon reaching the 1/4 mark, jog around and plank hold.
  • Repeato, but lunge walk 1/4, then bear crawl 1/4.
  • Repeato, adding Lt. Dan
  • Repeato, adding gorilla hop. These were not as bad as the other thing I thought of calling, but still worse than I thought they would be.

No ten count, but a well-earned Good Morning break. 5x slooooooowwwwww

Mosey to the back basketball octagon. This happened to come not as Born to Run was playing, which would’ve been fitting, but as ABBA’s Mamma Mia was belting out of the speaker. The solo female doing her socially distant zoom workout may have gotten the wrong impression about our group based solely on this experience. #freetoallmen

At the Octagon, we strayed from 1975 to the 1990’s hit(?) Tubthumping: during the song, do SSH, until you hear DOWN, upon which you do a burpee. There are 59 “down"s in the song, though some are hard to repeat so quickly. Everyone should’ve gotten between 30 and 59 burpees.

… and with that we’re nearly out of time, so let’s mosey back to the front lot. It did seem like a long way to go for “just one exercise.” So be it.

Back at the front, just enough time for Mary with 20x American Hammer, and finish off with flutter kicks IC x45.

Hotspot, I’ll write you an IOU for Sally. Or.. there are some open Q spots this week…


  • As I hopped in the car to leave the site, 96.1 was playing Tubthumping.

See also