I would have stayed in bed, but...

It was a brisk, dark, chilly morning at Flirtin’ With Disaster. One stalwart HIM, Chipper, got in a little EC run while the rest of us slowly made our way to the parking lot. Well, most of us were slow, one of us were late. Everyone loves that late guy!

It’s 5:30 AM and we slow mosey out of the park across the street and into the large Lowes parking lot for:

  • 15 (or so) x SSH
  • A bunch of Sir Frazio Arm Circles. large and small, forward and reverse.
  • 12 or so Imperial Walkers
  • 15 standard merkins on my down stopping on every 5 merkin and holding for a 10 count

As we started to mozey for the big hill, Smoky reminded us that we need to be intentional about having a good day. Naturally, you can’t have a good day without…

  • A Smokey lead collection of Good Mornings!

And off we went to the bottom of the big hill up Cary Parkway.

Thang 1

If you remember, one of our PAX was late. So up the hill we went, stopping at each light pole for burpees. Begin with 2 and increment by two at each pole.

We stopped at the bumpout on Cary Parkway and crossed the street into the Office Park. We had to dodge the ice as the office park continues to water the grass because, you know, it’s been so dry lately. Up the stairs into the back parking lot for

Thang 2

It doesn’t have a name, mainly because it’s more of a “thang” vs. an exercise. The PAX line up shoulder to shoulder for curb dips. AMRAP dips while the guy at one end jumps up and runs to the other end of the line, yells “go”, then drops down to continue the dips as the next guy in line runs to the end.

  • When done do 5 SSH’s in cadence. Then line up and do derkins
  • When done, 10 x SSH’s in cadence, then people’s chair
  • When done, 15 x SSH’s in cadence, then balls to the wall
  • When done, 20 x SSH’s in cadence, then Erkins.

It actually went better than I thought it would. It will be interesting to see how it goes when we have 18+ PAX. When we we done we were at the top of the long hill in the back parking lot of the Office building. Time to work on legs.

Thang 3

Lunge walk from the top of the parking lot to the bottom of the parking lot stopping at each light pole and do ascending squats starting at 5 and increasing by 5 at each light pole. The PAX were equally divided between happy and sad I did not call bear crawls. In fact, several PAX finished the last leg doing bear crawls. YHC did not.

Time was running out so we started to make our way back to the flag. YHC found that his legs were jello and I stopped for a round of shoulder taps and some ninja named thing that involved your elbows. Fun was had by all.

We made it back to the park safely and lined up for a pair of sprints to the flag with a recovery jog. Then we circled up for Mary which consisted of:

  • ? x LBC’s
  • ? x American Hammers
  • ? x Box Cutters
  • ? boat canoes
  • and of course, Have a Nice Day!


  • Q spots for FWD are open and we encourage you to sign up
  • Chipper has the Q next week and he want’s to run
  • KKC is right around the corner

Prayer Request

  • Federal Workers who have been without a paycheck. Chipper gave a shout out to the TSA agents in ATL who were efficient and professional despite the shutdown.
  • All the Wake County High School students who go back to a new semester today


  • I didn’t have a great night last night. I basically have a cold. No, a real cold. Not the kind our M’s say we have when we don’t want to go to a baby shower. No, I have a real cold. It kept me up. On top of that I had a midnight snack that was more comfort food than nutritionally sound. But as luck would have it. I signed up to Q. So I did. THANK YOU men of F3 who keep me accountable! I would not have posted today without you.
  • Google maps suggest the parking lot you lunge walked is 500 ft. long.
  • You were going to do those burpees anyway
  • I’m always happy to see Bluewater exercising his right to bear arms in this weather

See also