I will not leave you


Two years ago today I showed up in the F3 Carpex Gloom at the invite of my fraternity brother, Jamie “Repeato” Roseborough. I had been back in North Carolina for about eight months and things were going well. I was getting in workouts about three days a week in the gym and crushing a strong 2-3 mile solo run on the weekend. Things were fine, right?


Something was still missing, and as they say, you now know the rest of the story. I’m beyond grateful for your friendship over the last two years, your leadership and example in my life, and your accountability as I work to accelerate my fitness, fellowship and faith.

With that, a 2-year anniversary Q was in order, so to Slippery When Wet we go.

EC: 10 for the Koka Booth lake loop (Michelob, Denali, Chipper, Cpt. Jack, HK, Hermes, Term, Jiggly, Oofta and Joe Smith)

Warm-up: After the mission statement, credo and pledge we’re off for a big parking lot loop followed up SFAC, S-Claps, OH-Claps, SFAC, and Imperial Walkers.

ME: I saw this on TIm Kennedy’s Instagram (check out this Alpha male when you can). He did this circuit TWICE (beast) for time. We did it once, and YHC will be back in a month to check the men’s improvement.

  • 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins, 10 v-ups x10 – we did this for about 10 minutes (on average)
  • Move from the lot over to the shelter, w/ a partner for Dora 1-2-3 (100 LRSU, 200 dips, 300 Irkens) with the partner running the bathroom loop (no deuces were dropped on our account)
  • After the Dora over to the bathroom structure for a people’s chair heel to knee in cadence. Italian Job was calling it something, but Smokey deemed them the Midget Russian Dancers. We did those twice with a set of BTTW in the middle. The smell coming from the bathroom about had the pax on the merlot. Gross.
  • Over to the b-ball court for some sets of sprints and Mary. before COT.

COT: 27, we lifted up prayers including the Joker’s family and YHC took us out with reflection on this:

“As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” Kings 2:6

The prophet Elijah played a critical role in Elisha’s growth as a leader. Elijah found him plowing a field and invited him to be his protégé after God told him to anoint Elisha as his successor (1 Kings 19:16, 19). The young mentee watched his mentor perform incredible miracles and obey God no matter what. God used Elijah to prepare Elisha for a lifetime of ministry. Toward the end of Elijah’s life, Elisha had the opportunity to leave. Instead, he chose to renew his commitment to his mentor. Three times Elijah offered to release Elisha from his duties, yet each time he refused, saying, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you” (2 Kings 2:2, 4, 6). As a result of Elisha’s faithfulness, he too was used by God in extraordinary ways.

We all need someone who models what it means to follow Jesus. May God give us godly men and women who help us grow spiritually. And may we too, by the power of His Spirit, invest our lives in others.

NMS: See above ^

See also