I Was Going To Do That Anyway...


  • 34 HIM rocked SNS and Vespers this fine AM. Honored to lead, fellas. Thank you for journeying with YHC.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Disclaimer
  • Mixed Run to the Community Center
  • Paint the Lines (except Kitty)
  • Circle up for: Good Morning, 10 Burbees OYO (because no one was counting), Windmills, SFAC fwd, OH Clap, SFAC bkw, Moroccan Night Clubs, Merkin Series (on my up and down, 1 leg up, etc.), SSH

The Thangs

  • Choose a rock that will rock your body and a partner who rocks
  • Dora 1-2-3: 100 Rock Your Bodies, 200 Australian Nipplers, 300 Freddie Mercuries while your partner runs a lap around the Community Center
    • YHC called an audible…rather than L/R is one for the Nipplers, let’s go each one is one. YHC heard from a PAX, “Yeah - I was going to do that anyway.” #heardatF3
  • Plank series: 1 arm and 1 leg up, etc.
  • Run to the kiosk
  • Sprint the Hill (x3)
  • Mosey to the line, AYG to the flag


  • Welcome FNG’s, Pepsi and War Eagle.
  • What a group today…strong, strong work.

See also