I love the Lions Den

Ah.. July in Carpex doesn’t disappoint that is for sure. The weather was a a glorious 75f and moist.

Arriving a bit early for a little EC as I do, also to scout out my tentative plan, 10 HIM joined for the my tour of all the parking lots had to offer.

Starting with the pledge then a mozy a loop of large lot for warmups: 

  • Good Mornings 
  • Seal Claps
  • Overhead Claps
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles 
  • Runners Stretch

Thang 1:  4 corners ladder up - adding the previous exercise to each corner. 

  • 7 Merkins
  • 14 LBC
  • 21 Squats
  • 28 Star Jumps 

Thang 1a: 4 corner ladder down. Reversing previous exercises.

Then mozy to pickle between parking lots for 

Thang 2:  Partner Dora 

  • 100 Merkins 
  • 200 Mountain Climbers 
  • 300 LBC

Mozy to smaller lot for

Thang 3:  7’s 

Burpees and LBCs

Mozy back to flag for Mary 

  • LBC
  • Homer to Marge
  • American Hammers

Have a nice day

Parker took us out with prayers.

See also