I have the Q at Claymore????

Checking slack last night, see notification that Frisco claims I have the Q for Claymore, which happens to consistent with Q sheet. Of course, I never signed up for this, but what the heck. For the record, I will take it out on his fantasy football team this weekend.


Freddie Mercuries

Ranger Merkins

Imperial Walkers


Carolina Dry Docks

Overhead Clap

Low slow Flutter


Seal Claps


Sumo Jump Squats


Pickle 40s with Merkins and LBCs

Baseball field 4 corners (ish) with Burpees, Hammers, HRM, Star Jumps. Repeato in reverse

Bench work with Irkins, Dips and Derkins

Pebble Sir Fazios

Pebble Salt ‘n’ Pepper shakers


Squat Ring of Fire to 4


9/11 stair climb. Shout out to TOC for their support related to use of fire hoses. Frisco will be looking for help this week

Prayers and Praises

30 years of marriage for Intimidator. Headed to Germany with his M tomorrow

Prayers for Starla, Coxswain’s family dog, who they will likely need to  put down this week.


Playlist was impromptu, but according to Press On, it was for Old Guys, which I took as an compliment

Always an honor lead, even if I had no plan to do it until late yesterday.

Love you guys, even Frisco

See also