I don't need to 'splain myself

I see what you’re trying to do, Cally, and I don’t need to explain the burpee hill race. My crew DOMINATED IT.

It sucked, yes.

But we did it because:

  1. The Q said to do it and you do what the Q says. Good leadership I guess.
  2. It sucked. Usually things that suck are hard. We wanted to better ourselves.
  3. Back in Black is better than BO. (Don’t ask Term Paper or Jiggly Puff though)

The Burpee Hill Race:

  1. Line up at the bottom of a hill.
  2. Pax 1 does 3 broad jump burpees while all the other pax do 3 standard burpees. This gives the pax a head start.
  3. Now sprint up the hill.
  4. However many number of pax pass the “it” pax, he does that many penalty merkins at the top.
  5. Mosey back down and repeat with a new “it” pax.

We did this 5-6 times. A few guys got caught by 1 other pax, a few “it” pax rushed their burpees and got a big head start on the others chasing him.

In all we did burpees and 5-6 hill sprints. Sounds like a good exercise, especially if you gave it all you got…

See also