I Did It All For The Q-zie

16 PAX fought off the post-Murph fartsack at Full Metal Jacket this morning, greeted by warm air and a beautiful sunrise. YHC pulled into the lot right at 0529 and promptly gave the “one minute” warning.

My mind swam as I tried to figure out what to do next. You see, the night before, I learned I was Q-ing via slack. This isn’t the first time this has happened (and certainly won’t be the last), but as I looked around the PAX, I noticed a few unfamiliar faces and I didn’t want to disappoint. I had to come up with a good beatdown that’d make the boys happy they got outta bed this morning.

The first thought that popped into my mind?

Let’s do another Murph.


We moseyed over to the parking lot between the schools for our warm up:

SSH Good mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal Claps Overhead Claps (you see what I’m doing here? Loosening up the shoulders and chest?) Reverse Sir Fazio Arms Circles Squats

But it was during the warm up that I realized my upper body was in no shape to be able to complete another Murph. If you can’t do it, don’t Q it. So from this point on, everything was one giant ad lib. Luckily, I’m pretty quick on my feet (and I only mean that figuratively, of course. Clydesdale 4 lyfe)


Mosey to the baseball diamond and partner up:

Partner 1 bear crawls to first, runs the rest of the bases, Partner 2 people’s chair. Flapjack Partner 1 bear crawls to second, backward runs home, Partner 2 people’s chair. Flapjack Partner 1 bear crawls to third, runs the rest of the bases, Partner 2 people’s chair. Flapjack

Palate Cleanser: Partner 1 runs the bases, Partner 2 Balls to the Wall. Flapjack

Partner 1 crab walks to first, runs the rest of the bases, Partner 2 people’s chair. Flapjack Partner 1 crab walks to third, runs the rest of the bases, Partner 2 people’s chair. Flapjack Partner 1 crab walks to second, backward runs home, Partner 2 people’s chair. Flapjack

Palate Cleanser: Partner 1 runs the bases TWICE, Partner 2 Balls to the Wall. Flapjack

Mosey to the track and circle up in the field for Rings Of Fire:

Ring 1: Bows and toes, PAX take turns doing 3 merkins, around the circle. Ring 2: Squat hold, PAX take turns doing 3 squats, around the circle. Ring 3: Bows and toes, PAX take turns doing 3 merkins, around the circle. Ring 4: Squat hold, PAX take turns doing 3 squats, around the circle.

Palate cleanser: On your 6 for Capt Thors (WWII and American hammers in 1:4 ratio up to 10:40)

Mosey to track down Sooey and Disco Duck (doing some strong-assed recovery running) and follow them out of the track area, head over to the hill near the flag for a quick set of 5s.  Er, 6s:

1 burpee at the top, 5 Carolina Dry Docks at the bottom, cycle through till you get to 5 burpees and 1 CDD.


LBCs Dying Cockroaches Protractors (courtesy of Freebird) Hello Dollys (HEEEEY GURL!!)(Count provided by Disco Duck)


Count-o-rama: 16 PAX, 1 visitor from Lake Norman Name-o-rama: Still 16, no respects, no hates. A very Meh day Annoucements: Carpex Hundo Day this Friday. POST!! Prayers and Praises: Praises for Sooey and all the hard work he’s putting into his recovery from back surgery.


T’was a pleasure to lead the men again this morning. Kinda nuts, I’ve Q’d twice in a span of 5 days. Prior to that, I think I Q’d maybe 5 times over the past 8 or 9 months. It’s a far cry from about 3 or 4 years ago when we had to implore guys to check the Q sheets and sign up, fearing that the site Qs would once again have to cover an empty slot. Now a man has to plan about 2 months ahead if he wants to snag a Q. And while that’s somewhat problematic - because we want to make sure the newer-ish guys step up and get their names on the Q sheet - it’s a great problem to have! It’s great to see the growth, great to see new faces, great to crush a last-second workout.

By the way, A big Carpex Welcome to Hefty from Lake Norman - was great having you out, brother. Sorry to disappoint with the mumblechatter this morning. The boys were a little solemn for whatever reason. Something about T-Rex arms, sore abs, and bitter tears of sadness. Weird group today. Speaking of that group…

  • Freebird called Protractors during Mary. At one point he called for a 10 degree Dolly and I nearly had a heart attack.
  • Disco Duck counted while I hollered at Dolly. Wingman Of The Year, if you ask YHC. But beyond that, he also kept Sooey company. Definitely WOTY.
  • Shutty was crabby, but what’s new. I appreciated his MC, though. Without it, it would’ve just been Sub tossing out MC grenades.
  • Blue and Out came back out after a little bit of a layoff - glad you made it! Enjoyed coffee afterward with you and Sooey. Speaking of…
  • Sooey kicked butt, running 15 minutes twice in a row!! Bear with me here cuz I ain’t good with the maths, but I’m pretty darn sure that’s 30 minutes! 3 months after spinal fusion surgery. That’s
  • Shank gifted YHC a Q-zie, though he almost had to revoke it after the PAX had a mini-revolt. They got over it.
  • Butt Fumble was my partner today. He was my partner last week too. I think our relationship has been growing quite well lately.
  • Sub provided most of the mumblechatter this morning, but I zinged him pretty good with a sick teacher joke. His skin instantly melted from the burn. It was actually quite scary. Thoughts and prayers, bro. Get well soon.
  • Cheddar Bo - Carpex’s thermometer - was out this morning. What’s that mean, you ask? Well, CBo only comes out when it 50 degrees and warmer. Today? Like 75 and sunny.
  • Blueprint was the most colorful PAX, which I appreciate given his name.
  • Honeycomb - Carpex’s sweetest PAX - posted at FMJ as well. See what I did there? Sweetest? Like honey sweet? Eh? Ehhh?!?
  • Hamm - met Hamm for the first time this morning. He said he was a soccer player and the Carpex PAX went with Hamm. Sheeeeesh.
  • Short Circuit straight up crushed it. He may have been at the six, but he worked harder than most of the rest of us. Nice job!
  • Squatter was also present, though I’m not sure he really wanted to be there. Something about a guys weekend at the beach? Sounded rough lol

Thanks again for allowing me to lead, and more importantly, for being good followers today. You all crushed it. Now, take that momentum and do something awesome today for your family. Go!



See also