I Did It All for the Koozie

They say good things come to those who wait. Who are they? The PAX? The Q? 24 gathered to find out for a VQ that was a long time coming.

YHC awoke at 0420 for a 0530 VQ approx 4 minutes away. Alrighty then. Arrived early to off load the pain sticks and found FNG Daniel alone in the parking lot with his car and an empty black BMW. PAX piled in the small lot, disclaimer was given, and off we went.


Mosey down the street to the school and circle up.

  • 25 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Merkins
  • 15 Hill Billies
  • 10 slow Good Mornings
  • 10 Burpees OYO

The Thang

Count off, 24 men - yes, it’s all coming together. Partner up and form two lines, a partner in each line. Mosey back up the street, right turn and head towards the ball fields and track. As we approach the sidewalk, PAX rumblings of ‘oh come on!’, ‘what the….’, and YHC’s personal fav, ‘damn it Repeato.’ Why the negative mumble? 15 pain sticks appeared on the horizon.

Right Side Line grabs a Pain Stick at the Curb, Left Side Line proceed to the track.

A Mile of Pain Partner 1 - Begin Pain Stick Mile (who didnt pick it up) Partner 2 - Dora 1 - 2 - 3 :: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCs

Partner 1 - start walking/double timing with pain stick. Partner 2 - 10/20/30 set of Dora, then jog/AYG to your partner and grab the pain stick. Partner 1 does a Dora set and Partner 2 takes pain stick further around the track. Between partners, DORA and 1 mile are the goal, ideally with each partner completing 5 Dora sets (50/100/150) and at .5 miles (2 laps) with the pain stick. Largemouth gets in at least a sub :58 400 (just because) clearing the track of any six.

Thang 2

Grab the pain sticks and start heading back, stopping to pick up some additional sticks not currently in use. Walk/Mosey/Double-Mosey to the stop sign. Switcheroo with someone carry a pain stick. Walk/Mosey/Double-Mosey to fire hydrant, okay fine then don’t, and now stop at the light pole. Sticks down and 10 burpees OYO. After almost getting tattooed by an early arriving, surprising and aggressively driven Toyota Turcel, and we were back at the flag.


  • 20 Boat Canoes and a Barge
  • Have a Nice Day


Count-O-Rama:  24

Name-O-Rama: 1 FNG Hate, mostly Mehs, several Respects


Prayers & Praises: Water Wings and crew are graciously opening up their home to 3 refugees this holiday season, prayers for a smooth transition and positive outcome for all; Heisenberg (chemist - duh) is on the job hunt and looking for opportunities in pharmaceuticals and the like; YHC relayed to the PAX that US and NC flags are flying at half staff today in honor of NC National Guard Sgt James Allen Slape, 23, of Morehead City, NC. Sgt Slape was KIA in Helmand Province, Afghanistan on 4 Oct by an IED.

BOM:  YHC asked if anyone was feeling called to lead us out and @HelloKitty was there and ready with a great message to the Sky Q.

NMS:  Many PAX simply couldn’t believe YHC has not Q’d before today. After mentally listing numerous excuses, there really aren’t any that hold water. F3 has been a blessed addition and YHC truly values the friendships, the camaraderie, the atmosphere, and brotherhood. But admittedly,  YHC has often felt conflicted about leading the regulars having often been a consistent fart-sacker and proud member of the six. Signing up to Q was thought about last year and was regretted. YHC signed up early this year (at FMJ really for the koozie - sorry @Shank, it’s true) and then intelligently dropped a 30 pound ruck plate from chest height onto and shattering YHC’s right big toe, @Bartman and @Beaker were there. Being committed to VQ week was primary, the toe is what it was. YHC was humbled and honored to get out in front of such great men this morning. Enjoyed every minute of it and hope you 24 did too. Let’s do it again soon. Let’s do it again soon.

See also