I couldn't think of a good title

YHC signed up to Q this morning to ensure accountability to show up after a few days of solid fartsacking. After a fiasco of finding parking, YHC ran up to where the flag should have been at 5:44. After a quick pledge, we split the strong group of 16 between YHC and Earhart. This is what the Sooey Crew accomplished.

Warm up

  • SSH
  • GM
  • Windmill
  • Imperial
  • Merkins OYO
  • Calf stretch

Jog around to front entrance stopping for some squats

7’s squats and burpees

Move to rock pond, bear crawl bridge

Curls, Presses, Tricep extensions, rock rows - 10 each and run loop x 3

Mosey back towards flag, stopping for 2 burpees per light pole to bridge, lunge bridge, mosey to parking lot

Bearpees up to 4.


  • American Hammers
  • Homer to marge
  • LBC
  • Have a nice day!


  • Lookout for the ones around you. No matter the situation, the world is different. Reach out to the people you depend on and check on them. Make sure they are doing ok. Dig in and ask hard questions if you feel its needed. No OYO.
  • If you are the Q, its great motivation to not fartsack. After a week of rain, it was great to be out in the gloom (even thought it wasn’t very gloomy!).
  • Thanks to Earhart for helping keeping us legal!
  • The Apex PD showed up as we were finishing to enforce parking regulations for the brave PAX that parked right beside of the no parking signs. Luckily they were spared any ticketing!

See also