Hurt Box

‘Twas a coolish morning, relative to the last two months, and not quite as dank. The skies were still angry from the previous night’s storms, still spitting the occasional rain drop but hinting at lashing out again. This palpable uncertainly is perhaps why a relatively small PAX tentatively gathered at the flag. The flag itself had been tentatively planted by Smokey, creating an uneasy tension. There remained, however, an underlying current of optimism amid the groggy remains from the weekend. A Kotter from long ago, some EC pull-ups by one PAX. That spark was enough to ignite what would explode into a suckfest.

The Warm-Up

Jog into the park, through the first parking lot and back out onto the main road, then into the second parking lot and circle up for:

  • 15 x SSH IC
  • 1 GM slow 4-count down, hold at the bottom for 10, slow 4-count back up
  • 1 10-count Standing Quad Stretch on each leg
  • 10 x Merkins IC

About this time 2 stragglers strolled up. YHC considered penalty burpees, but decided the pending workout would be punishment enough

The Thang

Jog over to the end of the parking lot to the gravel access road and back to the main road at the top of the hill, which would be our launch point for Double 11s.

  • 1 x 4-count jumping monkey humpers at the speed bump, down the hill to the bridge for 1 burpee and back up the other side to the back parking lot for
  • 10 Worst Merkins Ever. Back down to the bridge for 2 burpees
  • Each time you cross the bridge, do an ascending number of burpees from 1-10 then descend back down to 1
  • Repeat with 2 jumping monkey humpers and 9 worst merkins ever at the ends, 3 and 8, etc each time doing your burpees at the bottom.

We made it to 7 and 4 before it was time to head back to the park entrance for


  • 20 x Low Slow Flutters IC
  • 15 x Dying Cockroaches IC
  • 10 x LBCs IC
  • and, of course, 5 x Merkins IC


Count-a-rama: 11 HIM Name-a-rama: 4 RESPECTS, 7 mehs Announcements: 8/29 Q School at Bond Park kiosk at 6:30 PM; 8/31 CarPex 5 year anniversary Convergence at Danger Zone (no other AOs open); Labor Day Convergence at Wolverine(?); 9/11 Stair Climb at Carter-Finley at 0530 Prayers: Recovery for Hot Spot’s cousin Peter who suffered a heart attack at 50 years old yesterday; many unspoken BOM: YHC took us out in prayer


  • It sucked. I told you it would in the preblast. I put myself in the hurt box; I’m sure I wasn’t alone.
  • 11 HIM makes for a good, manageable group. And I don’t even need my cell phone to remember all the PAX’ names!
  • T-Sip (Kotter) posted for the 3rd time ever after about a 2 year hiatus. Thanks to Shank for bringing him back out. Dude was even rocking a CarPex F3 shirt!
  • It was my pleasure to lead you men

See also