Hunger Games


  • 10 Low Country Beasts joined YHC at the Brig on HHI.

The Warmup

  • Run to HHI HS’s parking lot.

  • Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM.

The Thangs

ONE: AYG to the end of the school lot.

THREES: up and down the first row in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait.

FIVES: up and down the second row in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. PUTS or Mary while u wait.

SEVENS: up and down the third row in the school lot, Backwards Run up the hill for Diamond Merkins, run down the hill for Wide Grip Merkins. PUTS or Mary while u wait.

NINES: up and down the fourth row in the school lot, Karaoke up the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps, Karaoke down the hill for Freddie Mercuries. PUTS or Mary while u wait.

Mosey back to the start.

  • Mary



See also