Hundreds on Hundreds

Twas a beautiful morning at FWD as 18 pax gathered for a beatdown.  YHC has made it a goal to Q a lot more this year, so this was the first of several more to come!  So, after the disclaimer and the F3 mission statement was given to our FNG, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance and were off.


After running around to the far part of the parking lot, we circled up for:

Good morning

Imperial Walkers


Seal Claps

Mtn. Climbers

Thang 1:

Run the trail to the bridge for “Bridge 7’s.” (stopping half way to do some Merkins).  We did 6 Burpees on one side of the bridge to 1 WWII on the other, with 2 Jump Squats every time we passed the center.

Thang 2:

Mosey back to parking lot (stopping in the middle to do some LBC’s) and partner up for a modified Rock Dora:  100 Overhead Presses, 100 American Hammers, and 100 Squats.  P1 started the exercises while P2 run the pickle weaving in between the big stone balls.


Mosey back to the flag, and Bear Crawl from the flag to the BB benches and back. Then we got to Mary:

V Ups

Dying Cockroaches


Have a Nice Day


     Pax- 1 Hate, 14 Meh, 3 Respect

     FNG- Welcome Clear Cut

     Announcements- The Mule on the 14th, Burgaw on the 21st, Tobacco road half/full marathon on the 15th.

     Prayers/Praises- Hello Kitty’s wife traveling for the funeral of her uncle, good health for all the ones running the marathon, YHC’s dad’s back, and for any and all the pax out on IR. 

YHC took us out!

NMS:  Great work fellas!!  It was certainly an honor to branch out and lead you guys at another AO thats not named Rush Hour or Phoenix, and I look forward to doing it again!

See also