HSP Running Circuit

Nice temperature break in the mid-40s for 20 PAX at Hunter Street Park today. Lots to do in the park and throughout downtown Apex at this AO, but the half-mile loop around the athletic fields is a must-do. Here’s how we made use of it.


  • Short jog to parking lot and circle up
  • 20 SSH, IC
  • 15 Hillbillies, IC
  • 20 MCs, IC
  • 20 Wide-grip Merkins
  • 10 Windmills


Run counter-clockwise around 0.5-mile path with 3 pain station stops:

  1. Behind right field fence: 25 star jumps, 25 death squats against the fence
  2. Near shelter: 25 dying cockroaches, 25 LBCs
  3. At skate park: 25 dips, 25 derkins

Upon return to parking lot, duck walk first half of the lot and bear crawl the second half before starting next loop

All PAX completed at least 2+ loops


  • Mosey back to flag and do the following until all in:
    • 20 little man JJs, IC
    • 20 frog jumps
  • Line up on road and do the following:
    • Run the first light post
    • 10 burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 10 Jump Squats
    • Backwards run back to start
    • Repeato 2 more times, running a little further and decreasing exercise count by one each time


  • OYO instructions weren’t clear but it was supposed to be a set of 11s with knee ups and dying cockroaches - my bad



  • The family of Lexington FiA member Digits
  • Swag and his family during their trying times
  • Continued recovery of Ausfahrt

YHC took us out. Always an honor to start the day with such a great group of men.

See also