The most fun I have other than Q’ing / leading men through workouts is scouring the exicon for workouts. This particular preparation was fun to develop. As I was trying to figure out what to put together, it dawned on me. The HIMs needs some HFT EDUCATION.

The exicon is full of great ideas but what is challenging is making the final selection. As I read through the definition of the exercises to make sense of what the definition is, some are not easy to imagine. So, I actually try it at home and that is how I make the decision to use it. Bottom line: If it is challenging, it makes it onto the Q routine. The primary goal is to make it hard enough for the PAX to whine but still achievable to complete.

Because it is HRT, it was only best to educate. So I created an EDUCATION syllabus.

Read on to see what we did.

Slappy does a great job with the pre-blast and I cannot wait to get started. No FNG. Normal F3 administravia: 5 Core Value, F3 Mission and Credo was recited. We Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory to honor our country. Of we went on a mosey to the Publix parking lot to get educated.

Warm-up: Good Mornings (3 down and 3 up); Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Behind the back claps, Calf stretches with Merkins, closed out the warm-up with Sir Fazio.

Now the thang;

**E**skimo Merkins to 12 count

**D**uck and Weave for one end of the parking lot (bonus burpees) then back to the start.

**U**p and downs x15 (High knees in place waiting for Q to call down). Pax drops down to the ground and bounce back up.

**C**aroline Wine Makers x10

**A**ll You Got … PAX line up horizontally to the parking lot for billy run to the stop sign. Turn around to billy run back to start. 3 rounds completed.

**T**riple Check: Team up into 3 (P1 does People’s Chair, P2 does Plank hold, P3 runs to top of the hill to the stop sign and back. Flap jack with P2 who now runs, P1 does plank, P3 does People’s Chair. 3 rounds completed with us changing up from plank hold to plank jacks to mountain climbers.

Mosey back to the flag to continue our EDUCATION.

Line the PAX up horizontally to do:

**I**nch Worm with a Groiner. PAX completes 8 of them. Turn around to head back.

**O**bama was next (Ode to the 44th President … Bear crawl four steps and do 4 merkins all the way to the curb.

**N**arrow squats x20 (IC)

PAX on their 6 for favorite MARY x10

Have a nice day!!!

COR: 12

NOR: Cataracts, Sour Mash, Oxtail, Shipper, Bobby Boucher, Slappy, Halfback, Smithers, Queequeg, Slim Shady, Wahoo, WWW

Announcements: Thanksgiving convergence at Bradfords Ordinary … 0700 start; Respect week next week

P&P: Prayers for his 2.0 working through anxiety issues; Prayers for QIC/YHC Uncle passed away this past weekend ; Prayers for Yahoo’s adoption process

Traditional coffeeteria after the workout at Wake Zone.

NMS: I did a little more moseying today to stay close with the PAX.

True blessing just to be out in the gloom with you HIMs.

The HIMs worked hard this AM. I’m proud and honored to be your Q today.

Have a great day!!!

See also