How’s Your Grip Strength?


  • 9 at #ao-sat-thegreenmile on a glorious Saturday morning in NW Cary for 6.9 miles of solid work.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
  • 1 mile warmup run around the school to the north entrance.
  • Circle up for: GM, WM, Calf Stretch, ‘Mericans, extended Plank Series.

The Thang

  • Esau’s Death March: Form one line. As a team, mosey forward. Last man stops to perform one Burpee, runs taps the last man in line and continues to the front of the line. Continue until all Pax have performed one Burpee. Repeat with each Pax performing 2, 3, 4, and 5 Burpees. Continue running the greenway. As we pass under the bridge, each Pax grab a traveling rock to carry on the way. When all Pax perform 5 Burpees, stops for another Plank Series. Rotate the rocks. Head back to the school working each Pax from 5 Burpees back down to one. Rerun your rock to the pile.
  • Hunger Games: On the practice field, perform one 120-yard Bear Crawl. At the bike racks, perform a set of 3’s with Aussie pull-ups and Star Jumps up and down the stairs. Perform a set of 5’s with Aussie Pull-ups and ‘Mericans across the North Lot.

Run a cool down mile back to the flag.


See also