How you planned may not always be how it happens.

Date: 5/20/19

PAX: EarharT, Intimidator, Monkey Nut, Quiver, Shut-in, WWW

I had a planned routine going to the workout but during the initial mosey, I had a random synapse firing in my brain when I took notice of the inclined walkway to the amphitheater. I’m going to change it up and do 11’s.

The reason for 11s is we do not do enough of it at HB so I wanted it to be the star thang.

We always do a Tabata style workout. So, change is always good.

Once the PAX arrived it was time to get going. No FNG. Pleaded our Allegiance to Ole Glory and off we go on a SSSLLLOOOWWW mosey (QIC) speed around the pickle.

Back at the starting point, we circled up to warm-up. I do the typical full body stretching and loosening up. YHC had the PAX grab their KB weight of choice and off to the inclined walkway for the thang.

Thang 1


KB Curls for Gurls (bottom of hill)

KB burpee rock your body (top of hill), all the while carrying your KB up and down the incline.

I can tell you that not running really lends to some awesome 2nd F conversational opportunity. After completion of the thang, we headed back to the flag to drop off our KB. QIC led the PAX on a slow mosey to the pull-up bars. You cannot workout at HB without taking advantage of using the pull-up bars.

On the way there, 3 PAX decided to take a shortcut while the other half followed the Q. For the shortcut, QIC called reward burpees x10 on Q’s up & down. Next time, they know not to shortcut.

After the pull-ups, we moseyed back to the flag with all the soft complaints about taking the shortcut. No one took a shortcut. Mission accomplished!

Circled up for PAX favorite Mary 10-count. QIC ended with have a nice day.

Count-a-Rama: 6 HIMs

Name-a-Rama: 2 respects, 4 mehs

Announcements: Memorial Day Convergence (Slack for deets), Century Day in May 31st … I’m back on the schedule to Q with assistance from @Red Ryder, Crazy and Night Train (Slack for deets).


A workout is never set in stone … always be flexible to change as needed.

It was an honor to Q such strong HIMs.

See also