How Quickly Things Change

Lightning strikes blamed for more than 100 deaths in northern …

YHC has been trying to find a good week to get on the Q sheet for Rush Hour. Over the weekend while camping, he was able to EH a buddy so after a dozen or so adult beverages he slapped his name on the sheet for this week. YHC had a fantastic theme and plan and had even done some recon earlier in the day. Things were all aligned until 4 minutes into the drive to the AO when the dark sky started to be illuminated with intermittent lightening bolts. Ok, probably a better plan to stay in the parking deck so decided to keep the same exercises and just adjust where they were going to be performed. Anyway, here’s what we did.

Warmup: The FNG actually showed up even though it felt like 100 degrees outside and there was some questionable weather in the area. Disclaimers delivered, mission statement stated, and pledge pledged. Sky is looking angry so we head straight to the deck. Head to the last level while still inside for:
SSH x 15 IC
GM x 10 IC- hold at the bottom and stretch each side
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles Fwd x 10 IC
Seal Claps x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 sec silent count per side
Weather is looking a little better so we head to the top of the deck outside.

The Thang: Starting at the top with:
Jump Squats x 1
LBCs x 1 IC
Burpees x 1
Bonnie Blairs x 1 IC
Crab Cakes x 1 IC
Hand Release Merkins x 1
Head down 1 level and increase each exercise by 1, then turn around and head back to the top continuing to add 1 rep to each exercise until back to the top (7 reps of each). Stop at each turn on the way down decreasing a rep on each exercise until reaching the bottom at 1 rep each.
Mosey back to the flag.

Mary: Not much time left so a couple of quick stretches including Runner’s Stretch and Pigeon Stretch.

COT: Prayers for Kermit’s friend and their family as they lay a young man to rest.
YHC took us out.

NMS: This workout sucked. I mentioned multiple times that sometimes YHC gets worked up and starts rushing through things. The weather was not conducive to this type of leadership. Thanks to everyone for hanging in there today, especially the FNG (welcome Lightning Rod) that was at his second workout of the day. As always, it was a pleasure to lead. MIAGD!

See also