How not to make friends, by FNG Cataracts (that's plural)

The day before my Q at Hell’s Bells I asked the site Qs if running was discouraged. Neither Monkey Nut or Earhart responded, so I naturally assumed that meant running was a great idea. It’s not. I was instantly berated with a verbal assault from the first step.

However, sticking to my plan, the later runs actually became a nice break from the punishing kettle bell workout we were experiencing. Crimson even thanked me for running and volunteered to run more if that meant he didn’t have to pick up his KB again.

Welcome FNG Cataracts. More on him later.

Here’s how it all went down:

We all grabbed some steel and walked to the soccer field. Kubota chose the one on the right. We placed our KB in the middle circle and went for a run around the field. Then back to the center.

Warm Up

Arm Circles, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earles, Mnt. Climbers

Kettle Bell Warm Up

Body Circle, 2 Handed KB Swing, Suitcase, Figure 8, Dead Lift

The Thang

#1 - From half court we lunge walked to the sideline passing the KB through our front leg, passing it left and right with each lunge. Then from one sideline to the other we bear crawled pulling the KB along for the ride. We then repeated the lunge walk back to the center circle.

#2 - Circuit of arms and chest. We first did a set of regular and reverse curls. Each rep was 1 regular & 1 reverse grip x10 for each arm. Then push ups with one hand on the KB, after the pushup we moved the KB to the other side x15. Next, squat down to a low preacher curl L/R x10. Then on the ground in almost a Homer to Marge position with just your toes and shoulder blades on the ground (hips in the air) we did a chest press into overhead extension x10. Finally a standing overhead tricep extension x10.

#3 - Sumo squat to upright row x10. Reverse lunge to shoulder press L/R x10. Lap around the soccer field. Mix in a little karaoke and backwards run.

#4 - Turkish Get Ups L/R x5. Another lap around the soccer field with karaoke and backwards run mixed in.

When we got back to center field I asked our FNG what exercise from above he wanted the PAX to repeat, without hesitation he picked Turkish Get Ups. From this point, throughout the exercise, the mumble chatter was pretty busy with possible names for our FNG. None of them were nice.


Kettle Bell Windmill, Halo, American Hammer, Have a Nice Day


Crazy Train 6/9; Tortoises at SNS 6/20 (2nd & 3rd F to follow)

Prayers for Cataracts as he goes through a job transition; Sooey dealing with a back issue

Praises for Crimson’s friend on her recovery

YHC took us out with a quote from Steve Jobs

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.. They somehow already know what you truly want.”


See also