How Many Poles Are There Anyway?

A pax of 5 arrived in downtown Cary for another evening beatdown.  So after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running.  Skipper was rucking, so he blazed his own trail, and we’d meet back up with him at the end.  With that we headed off to the parking lot just around the corner.


  • Good Evening
  • SSH
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles forward and reverse
  • Windmills
  • Mtn. Climbers

Thang 1:

We ran up Academy Street, doing ascending and descending Merkins at each lights(going from 1 to 5, then back down again) all the way to the fountain.

Thang 2:

We started with American Hammers on the fountain, then partnered up for Dora: 100 Irkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs.

Thang 3:

We started moseying back. Staying with our partners we stopped at the first bench, partner 1 did an Irkin plank hold while partner 2 did 30 calf raises, then switch.  Repeato.

The next bench partner 1 Planked it out, partner 2 did 25 Dips.  Then switch, and Repeato.


We made it back to the starting point and had just enough time to knock out a round of 100s.  Then finished with our feet in the fountain.


Prayers for Greenbow’s daughter who was battling migraines, and for Freebird’s  job assessment.

YHC took us out.

See also