How do you get better at pull-ups?

Do more pull-ups.

AND…practice these 10 exercises with your friends. 6 of us PAX came out to Tortoises on 4/21 to get better. Here’s what we did:

EC - Farmer carry kettle bells from the secret stash to the parking lot.

Welcome - Pledge - Mosey (instructional stroll around the pickle) - Hand out souvenir Weinke’s to each PAX

Warmup, focus on shoulders

The Thang

  1. 3 ct Boat / 10 ct Canoe x 10. This was hard. It simulates the core movement needed to start the pullup
  2. Hanging Shrug 5x 10ct. Hang fully extended from pull-up bar, shrug shoulders up simulating the starting motion of a pull-up (observing PAX squat…you’ll almost have a Murph done by the end of this….)
  3. Kettle Bell Lawnmowers - 3x 10ct each arm OYO, focus on the back doing the work
  4. Kettle Bell Ruh-Row’s - 3x 10ct, hinge at the waist, focus on the back doing the work
  5. Suspended pivot row - 3x 10ct, like a swingset Australian pull-up but with a rope over the pullup bar
  6. Partner assist row - 3x 10ct, 2 partners hold the worker’s legs up horizontal so he can do an Australian with feet elevated
  7. Lat pull-down - 3x 10ct, resistance band looped over a pull up bar
  8. Assisted Pull-up (we skipped these for sake of time)
  9. Negatives 3x 10ct, assist/jump up to bar, slow release down. Ouchie!
  10. Overhead press negatives (skipped these too…these are fun)

Finish in Mary - 10ct Canoe hold around the circle

COT - 6 PAX - 1 honor, 3 respects, 2 young’uns

Announcements: 5/1 Freed to Bleed, sign up on Slack, DM PetSounds to volunteer; 5/1-5/31 Murph-A-Day in May, this Sunday TCP Sawgrass, 2pm

Prayers/Praises: WWW and his family as he embarks on his next entrepreneurial adventure


  • Thanks for playing along, fellas. This turned out to be a tough workout, and fun. Refunds will be offered since we only completed 8 of the 10 promised exercises.
  • Now you all are just as prepared as me for Murph-A-Day in May.
  • Blessings to you all
  • More detail on this workout:

See also