Hotspot & Sooey were none-the-wiser

It has been a loooong time since I have Q’ed A-Team, so I thought I’d dig through the Backblasts to see what we did. As I was reading I thought this was a pretty good workout. Good enough to be repeated. And unless someone had a really good memory, maybe I can get away with it seeming “original.” The only two people who were there the first time were Hotspot and Sooey, and luckily they didn’t even notice.

Welcome FNG Mike, give him the disclaimer and off we go. Quick Mosey through the parking lots, paint some lines and circle up.

**Warm Up
**Good Mornings, Windmill, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps (10 penalty burpees) SSH, Steve Earls

Thang 1
Ran down into the park to the basketball courts.

Doracides. Dora plus 1 extra exercise as well as suicides with burpees. Partner 1 begins the suicides. At each stop they do a burpee adding 1 at each of the 3 stops. Partner 2 beings the exercises until the team completes 100 merkins; 200 carolina dry docks; 300 squats; 400 LBCs.

Thang 2
Ran over to the stairs at the tennis courts. We stayed with our partners for 2 rounds of partner 1 running the stairs and finishing with 3 star jumps, while partner 2 did alternating step-ups on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. First round left leg only hop, then right leg only hop. Second round bunny hop

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary



**Welcome FNG Henny Penny (Chicken Little’s brother)
Burt Beachouse Raffle coming up Thursday at Bond Brothers 7ish
Praises for Hotspot’s daughter and her band championship
Prayers for Hotspot’s ex-coworker, and for Disco Duck’s M and Mother In Law.

It has been two years since starting F3, and it has easily been proven to be one of the best decisions of my life. Thank You Men!

YHC took us out with a quote from Ernest Hemingway

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”


See also