Hot, Humid, Hills

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

We were all created equal, and these 17 HIMs met in the early morn on this Independence Day Eve 2018 to fight gravity and humidity in an effort to better themselves, and their fellow man. With several pax heavily anticipating the 1776 convergence tomorrow morning, the objective today was the keep the pax moving, and spread the workout focus without overemphasizing any particular body part.

Extra Credit

Six pax posted early for some extra credit running a 3.5mi or 3.0mi option and returned to the AO for the main event!


I was very pleased to see Seahawk joining Texas Ranger with us out this morning!!!  No FNG’s to brief, so we set out for a brief jog around the pickle then over to the shopping center parking lot for a warm-a-rama:

  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 8 slow-cadence Good mornings
  • Lizard Pose for 10-count and switcheroo
  • 10 4-ct calf stretch Merkins and switcheroo

After warming up and getting limber, we headed to the Cary Parkway Hill for some fun.

Thang 1

  • Run up the hill stopping for 5 Merkins at every other lightpost
  • Mosey return to the bottom for some Mary
    • LBCs
    • Low, Slow Flutter
    • WWII’s
  • Run up the hill again, stopping again at every other lightpost
    • Thoroughbreds: 4 Burpees
    • Clydesdales: 2 Burpees
  • Thoroughbreds picked up the six while most pax performed Mary while holding at the top
  • Mosey to the parking garage for Thang 2

Thang 2

  • Split the pax into two mostly even groups
  • Group 1 doing dips in the garage while group 2 runs the pickle
    • Switcheroo and Repeato for two full sets
  • Out to the main parking lot for 2 sets of lunge walks, merkins, and mosey around one of the buildings
  • Mosey back to the flag for some more stretching and Mary
    • VERY slow Good Mornings
    • Quad Stretches
    • Lizard Pose and Alternate
    • Calf Stretch and Alternate
    • Boat / Canoe
    • Have a Nice Day

A solid showing by these HIMs today, and 2.75 - 3.0 miles were covered in the process!!!


  • 1776 Convergence Reminder
    • Bring Shovel Flags if you have one
  • Need a HIM to take the Dad’s flag for F3 Dads on 7/21
    • Hello Kitty stepped up and will get the flag early next week


See also