Hot! Hot! Hot!

Here’s what 4 HIDA’s did in 19 degree windy weather with kettlebells.

First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Pick a kettlebell that you want to use for 45 minutes.


Leave your kettlebell and jog the pickle, with ass kickers, karaoke both directions and high knees. Circle up for SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Steve Earles, Sir Fazio arm circles both directions, and Merkins (on down AND up).

The Thang

Split Dora - PAX partner up. Partner 1 works on 100 Rock Your Body’s, while Partner 2 Bear crawls/Crawl Bears across the parking lot.

Next up, Partner 1 does their share of 200 Kettlebell swings while Partner 2 does Lunge walks with a side twist across one side of the lot, then walks back doing overhead presses.

Last, we head down the hill near the pond circle, doing Around the Worlds and Figure 8s on the way. Our final exercise are goblet squats - 300 of them. Partner 1 is doing squats while Partner 2 moseys to the pullup bars and completes 5 pullups. Flip flop until complete. Back up the hill to where we started, again doing Around the Worlds and Figure 8s if you dare.


LBCs and American Hammers x 20, then PAX choice of exercises including Dying Cockroaches, Freddie Mercs and some thing Trike did to show us how much more flexible he is than YHC.

10 Burpees OYO


4 Mehs

Q Source is ongoing, and the KKC is less than 2 weeks away. Continue praying for Ausfarht and Swag. YHC took us out.


I don’t care who you are, it was cold this morning. We endeavored to keep moving and stay as warm as possible. Be a little better today than you were yesterday, and seek to brighten one person’s day.

See also