Hot for Thursday

19 showed up for a beautiful Thursday morning at Olive Chapel Elementary. It was 64, low humidity, and the sun was just starting to come up.

Let’s Get Started

  • Disclaimer - I am not a professional, F3 has no assets (did a lawyer actually make sure I can’t be sued? Should I get that umbrella policy GEICO keeps trying to sell me before I Q again? Too late to ask these questions, it’s time to go)
  • Pledge of allegiance

First Thang: Map!

  • Mosey around the parking lot, up to the road and then right back where we started at the large map on the sidewalk in front of the school
  • 10 Good mornings
  • Since we are here on a map of these 50 United States of America, going to need to do 50 (in 2 sets of 25) of 4 different exercises:
  • Side straddle hops
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles (half forward, half reverse)
  • Squats
  • We better cover the 5 US Territories with 5 burpees, 5 total not 5 each (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands)

Second Thang: Figure 8’s

  • Figure 8’s around the 2 parking lots
  • At the middle and outside of both parking lot, do 10 merkins. Don’t do the same merkin twice in a row. Choices include: standard merkin, diamond merkin, wide grip merkins, world’s worst merkin, ranger merkins, peter parker merkins, carolina dry docks, balls to the wall merkins, irkins, dirkins, whatever other merkin you dare to invent

Third Thang: Bear Crawl Bridge

  • Mosey to the bridge across 540
  • For the first time in Hot for Teacher history (and hopefully the last), we will bear crawl all the way across 540
  • When you finally give out on bear crawls, stand up, count to 5 and bear crawl some more until you make it all the way over
  • Once to other side, squat hold for the 6, no sitting on the guard rail!!!
  • Mosey back to the school parking lot
  • Lunge walk to the map


  • American Hammers x 15
  • WWII situps x 15
  • Pickle pounders (we made them bigger half way through) x 15
  • J-Los x 10
  • 100s

Circle of Trust

  • Countorama: 19
  • Namorama
  • Announcements: Sub will be happy to know someone mentioned TCP
  • Prayers and praises: Cataracts M and 2.0 are heading back from Connecticut, prayers for safe travels
  • YHC led us out in prayer

See also