Hot and Fresh

YHC went to bed last night with a great workout planned, the perfect preparation for the upcoming Krispy Kreme Challenge. Unfortunately weather and circumstances conspired against me, so a new plan was formulated shortly before we began.

Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey over to the bank for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, good mornings, mountain climbers and calf stretches.

The Thang Stay at the bank for 22’s. Run clockwise to the back of the bank for 21 squats, continue around to the front for 1 derkin, repeato dropping four at the back and adding four to the front until we get 1 and 21.

The pax are still bad at math, so repeato, counter-clockwise with wide-grip merkins at the back and step-ups at the front.

Mosey to the lot behind the bank and partner up for Dora 1-2-3, one partner runs to the end of the lot and back while the other knocks out 100 nipplers, 200 monkey humpers and 300 American hammers.

There’s a nice old wall, so let’s do BTTW with a five count down the line.

Mary Mosey back to the flag and circle up for Freddie Mercs, dying cock-a-roaches, plank jacks, Hello Dolly (Hey Girl!) and Have A Nice Day.

COT Count-a-rama:  16 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECT, 10 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  General prayers for all of us men and our M’s, make us better husbands, prayers for Ausfhart, prayers for Swag’s M, prayers for the family of Quiver’s co-worker who was killed in a car accident, prayers for Liverpool and Water Wings as they prepare for a missions trip to Peru, prayers for Angry Elf and other pax recovering from injury BOM:  Liverpool took us out

NMS Nature Boy started his truck when we got to the flag for Mary. Warming it up for the ride home. As someone said, softest move I’ve ever seen at F3.

Nature Boy is still tougher than me.

Picked up a copy of Open Out’s children’s book, see slack next week for his book tour details.

If Funni Bonz is 5'8" then I’m 3 or 4 years older than Callahan.

Nice to have Lex Luthor and Cheesesteak visiting from down range.

I’ve Q’ed BO a few times, and Rush Hour a million times, but I never get tired of beautiful downtown Cary.

Thanks for letting me lead.

See also