Holy Sh*%! It's been a year!

What a crazy ass year it’s been! Thinking back to this time last year, I couldn’t have imagined that a few beers at Lowes Food with a bunch of dudes named Steve would have impacted me quite like it has. Chicken Little and Hamm had been working on me for months and I kept holding strong, sleeping in and making excuses. That was until Sooey had to go and buy me a beer – well, technically Schlitz gave me a free beer, but Sooey shelled out the dough for my second. In all honesty, that day at Lowes Food made me feel called to show up. The fact that so many guys chose to come and EH me and chat with me that day when the easy thing to do was avoid the guy that isn’t connected to F3 yet and who they didn’t have a relationship with was pretty damn special. Well here we are one year later - lost weight, got faster, realized I enjoy running, realized I hate these things called boat-canoes, made tons of new friends, bought way too many pairs of running shoes, joined a boy band, all while getting a chance to strengthen my faith among other incredible men. For those of you I’ve had the chance to post with, love you and appreciate you. For those of you in Carpex that I’ve not yet had the chance to post with, love you and appreciate you, and can’t wait to kick some ass with you soon.

Anyways, today was an awesome day. Dante’s Peak, as most of you know, is the best site in Carpex and what better way to celebrate my anniversary than at the site that started it all (shout out to Kitty for Q-ing a killer first experience - Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike). Here’s how it went down…

With no FNGs, we shot out of a cannon for a mosey, the long way, to the circle for a warm up.

Warm UP

  • Crimson Good Mornings (aka Control Freak Good Mornings) - there were plenty of sounds coming from the PAX on this one.
  • Plank with Annie’s (right/left rotations like Daniel son in Karate Kid)
  • Runner’s stretch
  • Dive Bombers
  • Glute Stretch (or some fancy name that Hamm threw out with way too many letters for me to remember)

Mosey to the pond for rock work.

Thang 1

Each PAX grabbed a rock. With the traveling rock, walking lunges with an overhead press in the down position with five reps on each leg followed by 5 American hammers with the rock. Took a lap after each round with 5 total rounds. Feel like the lunge with overhead press should be called the “Rafiki” - looks a lot like the moment Simba gets lifted to the heavens on Pride Rock…

Cult Walk with the rocks overhead to the pavilion.

Thang 2

While describing Thang 2, Parker demonstrated what it looks like when a dog tries to eat water out of a hose, except he was doing it with a busted irrigation pipe. I wonder where that water was coming from……

We left our rocks at the pavilion and did 7’s starting from the upper parking lot. New exercise we’re calling “Curbkins” - start in the plank position with curb in front of you. Walk with hands up onto curb, do one merkin, walk back down, do another merkin - that’s one. Second exercise was back down at the pavilion with rocks - bicep curl to overhead press to tricep extension and back down - that’s one.

Cult Walk with rocks overhead back to their home, toss them and indigenous people’s run back to the flag.

Mary included 100’s and that’s all we had time for.

Announcements: Dante’s Peak new parking location on the wide shoulder of Apex BBQ road. Plenty of room and may move the flag closer to that parking area.

Prayers: Cataracts family dog recently passed after a long, happy life and Parker’s father Joe dealing with health issues and hard choices.

YHC took ’em out.

See also