Holiday Party SZN

9 gloom-warriors joined YHC for some holiday fun around DTC. I threw out an invitation on slack for the gents to wear their favorite ugly xmas sweater, with the best(worst) dressed winning a door prize (which would have been a single 12oz bottle of Cold Mountain). Alas, I was the only jackass to dress up for the occasion. Oh well, not the first time I’ve looked like an idiot, and certainly won’t be the last. (When’s the Carpex Christmas party, again? I’ve got some prep work to do.)

Disclaimer(ish) given, lehs go!

Warm Up

Yog over to the bank for:
- 40 SSH (to honor the # of points UVA scored against Purdue last night…lol)
- 20 ALRSU
- 15 Plankjacks in cadence
- 15 Merkins in cadence

The Thang

Part one:
Partner up - one runs around the bank, other rotates between 10 dips/10 dirkins. Flipjack
Next, 10 Squats, 10 Irkins
Back to Dips and Dirkins
One more with Squats and Irkins
Line up on the wall, assume BTTW position - each guy bear crawls to the other end of the line, then recover and mosey for….

Part two:
One partner bear crawls around the gigantic balls and the sea of booty, other partner Dying Cockroaches AMRAP. Flapjack
Next, Crab walk and dying cockroaches
Then Lunges and LBCs
Mosey on over to the new library for…

Part three:
Find a lovely set of stairs. Partner one bear crawls up and runs back the long way, other partner rotates between 5 merkins and 5 plank jacks. Flapjack.
Do that again.
One more time for the real onez
Mosey up to the fountain for…

Part four:
One legged squats - right, then left, 10 each.
Regular squats - 10 or so
On your backs with feet up on the fountain for elevated Homer —> Marge x 69 (# of points Purdue hung on Virginia last night)


Mosey back to the church, finishing with a Billy Run for good measure. Three minutes left for…


Whuddup gurl

20 Supermans
15 American Hammers (Courtesy of Chipper)
15 Low Slow Flutters (courtesy of Compound W)


Count-o-rama: 10 lowkey heroes, both Site Qs present
Name-o-rama: still 10. 3 RESPECTS, buncha mehs
Announcements: Christmas/Holiday party sign up on Slack, #AlwaysReadTheMuggo you cowards!!
Prayers/Praises: travel safety for Chip’s M and 2.0, Greenbow’s daughter with migraines, Loom’s daughter and final exams.


Man, been a damned minute since I Q’d. You wanna know a little behind the scenes secret about Q’ing? It’s like riding a bike. The faster you go, the easier it is to stay balanced. Wait…that’s not it. Well, whatever, you get the point.

Anyway, it felt just like old times. I had a loose idea of what I wanted to do, but when it came to calling out the specifics (hmm…dirkins or dips? Why not both!), I crowd-sourced the task. It’s easy to lead when you have good followers.

Last week was an old-school BO, with the likes of Riptide and Ma Bell and PBX and Coney and Shutty and myself, along with a few others I can’t remember b/c the Q is too lazy to write a backblast….

(side note: I can already hear Riptide angrily typing his rebuttal - “sOmE oF Us hAvE JoBs AnD dOn’T hAvE tImE tO wRiTe BaCkBlAsTs LiKe U hIpPiE MILLENNIALS!!!!!” Calm down, boo)

All that said, ’twas a good morn indeed.

I hadn’t seen a few of these jabronis in a hot minute, so I enjoyed catching up with the homie Compound W. Press on and Porch are staples at BO, but I always appreciate their dedication. How How was almost unrecognizable, what with the beard coming in nicely and a leaner figure than a few months ago. Greenbow and Loom always bring a smile and a positive attitude. I’m not sure I’m ever seen either of those guys in a poor mood. Their joy is contagious. I don’t know Hoppin’ John very well, but I did google his name and hooboy, you could have given me 2 million guesses as to what “hoppin john” was and I don’t think I ever would have come up with peas and rice. I’m intrigued about how he received his name now. Coxswain was later than the prom queen 5 weeks after the big dance. But what else is new. And finally, Chipper. I’m tellin’ ya, for a RESPECT, this dude can move. Always doing EC, always pushing harder. It’s something I aspire to and I’m thankful for his example.  

Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning, it was a good time. And sorry for the prom queen comment. That may have crossed a line or two. I’m a work in progress.

See also