Hills, Benches and Rocks - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

After a week of vacation in the mountains YHC was anxious to jump back into F3 this week! Since I was a bit out of shape from too much beer and pizza I invited (guilted) Crimson into co-Q’ing with me this fine Monday.

Last night as we were planning our co-Q my M gave me some funny looks as we discussed “Dora” and “Mary” but I digress.

A cool, crisp “spring” morning greeted 12 PAX at Apex Community Park. With no Cheddar-Bo in sight we took off from the road parking to the 2nd parking lot for the warm up.

Warm Up

YHC’s warm up was a little rusty. Hotspot thought I was just asking him to circle up since I asked so “softly”, sorry Hotspot I was just trying not to yell in your ear. I mean there was only 12 of us, how loud did I need to be? Also appreciate Saban reminding me to not skip calling the “recover”.

  • SSH x 20
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x 10
  • Over head claps x 10
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles reverse x 10
  • Turbines (I mean windmills) x 15
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • Merkins x 10 OYO
  • Good Mornings (because you can’t have a good day without a good morning) x 10

With that, we were off to the power line hill.

Thing #1:

7’s on the hill. Squat Jumps at the bottom of the hill by the lake and Burpees at the top of the hill at the power lines. Since I had a HC from Disco Duck, I didn’t want to disappoint so you know we had to have some burpees mixed in.

Two line Indian Run to the big shelter.

Thing #2:

Stop at the big shelter for some derkins, left/right steps, and dips. 3 reps with 10 of each lead by Crimson.

Two line Indian Run to the front parking lot stopping at the speed bump in the middle for some plank exercises.

Thing #3:

Go to the rock pile near the front soccer field. After some discussion about whether we had used this rock pile before or not (Crimson says he used it in a Saban Q back over a year ago, not sure that counts) Crimson calls for us to partner up for some Dora 1-1-1. 100 x curls, 100 x over head presses, 100 x rock rows while your partner runs the pickle.


Circle up for some Mary call by the PAX. First up 5 burpees OYO. Crimson as just showing off for Disco Duck.

Red Ryder, Disco Duck, Theismann, and Angry Elf all helped call some Mary. Not sure if that was a Peter Parker or Mary Jane or just a slightly modified Mountain Climbers. I’m glad the PAX were able to agree so Theismann didn’t anger Angry Elf!



  • Rush hour closed Tuesday for healing transitions convergence.
  • Memorial Day convergence 7am FOD.  2nd F At 8.
  • 3rd F opportunity for the next 5 weeks talking about the Exploring God Sermon Series. Apex Starbucks (by Costco) 6:45-7:30 every Monday through May 7. Contact YHC for details.


  • Praise for DD good news about Kelly.
  • Praise for Saban getting to spend time with his 90 year old grandfather.
  • Red Ryder coworker’s family (Lynn family) who passed away unexpectedly.
  • Hotspot family members traveling.
  • Crimson’s brother who lost wife of 41 years.


Always a pleasure to lead a fine group and I certainly appreciate most of the PAX this morning being flexible as I eased back into F3 after my vacation. I wanted to give Disco a shout out for naming the BB for me. I was struggling with a good name until I saw your comment on slack.

Speaking of slack, please just use slack. Don’t think about or consider GroupMe, its the wild west over there and you will not be the same after visiting the darker side of Carpex. If you need more details, as Riptide. Or Kitty. Or just listen to QDR. I’m sure Mad Dawg can add some commentary.

See also