Hills and Rock Music

Well, another great day with the Bounty Hunters is in the books! YHC made sure to get there early, as I had to set up for an elaborate plan I had working for the latter half of the beatdown. More on that later. Back at the starting point, the 4 pax doing the Apex Hill runs were already long gone, which brought the Pax number for the bootcamp to 11! Confirming there were no FNGs, we did the Pledge, and then we were off and running down Hunter St!


Stopping at the Elementary School we did:

  • Good Morning
  • SSH
  • Hillbilly
  • Plank Jack
  • Calf Stretch
  • Runner’s Stretch
  • Turkish Getups (don’t ask why)

Thang 1:

Running to Hinton St., us Bounty Hunters went into Covert Ops mode because of all the slackers-I mean people who were still asleep in their houses. You know, cause it was still early..

Anywho, there’s essentially a double hill over there, for anyone who doesn’t post at BH often, and gravity really seems to hate you after awhile! We ran up and down those said hills doing 7’s, 6 Hand Release Merkins to 1 Prisoner Squat

Before running back to the park, we did a little ab work with: LBCs, Dying Cockroach, American Hammers.

Thang 2:

This is what YHC was talking about in the intro. I had prepared a beatdown, to the hard rock song Move by Thousand Foot Krutch, which was designed to try and completely burn us out. The routine went like this:

Chorus – Suicides

Verse 1 – Merkins

Chorus – Suicides

Verse 2 – Squats

Chorus – Suicides

Bridge – Chilcutt

Final Chorus – Burpees



COT – 15 total pax (including Hello Kitty)

Announcements: Since all other races seem to be canceling, why not sign up for the BRR?!

Prayers/Praises: None were spoken

YHC took us out.

NMS: It was really a pleasure to lead and workout with you all this morning! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

See also