Hill of Dreams

11 gathered at FOD this morning, 9 were anxiously wondering who was the Q. Franklin and YHC were the only in the know. With discussion of a Beaker, Hi-Liter and YHC tri- Q, it was not to be. Already planned more than we would get to. Let’s go!!!

Warm-up. Jog around the parking lot and circle up for: 20 SSH, 10 GMs, 20 PJs, 10 IW, 20 Mountain Climbers, 2pp merkins. Somewhere around GMs, number 12 arrived, Landline from Isotope.

The Thang

To the basketball court. For bearcrawl down, lunge walk back. Crawlbear down, walk lunge back. Burpee broad jump down, broad jump back. Backwards burpee broad jump down, and backwards broad jump back.

Now to the bottom of the hill for Esau suicide ladder. 10 starjumps at the bottom, run to the 1st lightpole for 1 hand release merkins, back down for 10 starjumps, to 2nd lightpole for 2 hand release merkins. Repeato up to the top of the hill, 9th lightpole for those counting at home. Plank hold at the bottom.

Back to the flag for Mary = 13 LBCs.

Ended at exactly 6:30:00.

COT = count o rama. Name o rama. Announcements and prayers - Hi liter’ s Dad. Burts brother in law John.

YHC took us out.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. The hill Esau suicide ladder envoked more running than anticipated. I am sure Franklin hates me…….even more than before. The group was very encouraging to each other. Nature Boy was conserving energy for the last few Ras-lin practices of the year. Moped informed me he was a junior at Cary High School when I started coaching there…..10 years ago. Feeling old now, thanks Moped.

See also