High-Tempo Molly Hatchet

17 of Carpex’s finest entered into the brisk gloom, 16 from automobiles and 1 from a bicycle.  After auctioning off the Kryptonite Q yesterday, YHC still had the urge for a high tempo Q.  Plans were made known via GroupMe (like by Hello Kitty and WKRP within 15 seconds) so YHC was guilt-free.  And there was no need for guilt with this set of PAX, they all crushed it (as the kids say).  No FNGs and we were off………….out of the park………….again…………..is there even a park there…………maybe next time.

Warm Up: Jog around behind the shopping center to the Animal Hospital.  Apparently Hermes has some sick pythons there, poor guys…….I hope they get to feeling better soon.  Circle up for 20 SSH, 20 Mnt Climbers, 10 GMs, 10 IWs, 20 Plank jacks, 20 merkins.

The Thang: Run to the Lane and Associates entrance.  Up the parking lot for 7s, donkey-kick merkins and star jumps.  Plank hold, 10 Mnt Climbers, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks.

Run down Tryon and cross Cary Parkway.  Up Tryon, first right into the back entrance to the medical park.  Stopping on the coldest guard rail in the world for 10 irkins and 10 dips.  Note to self - BRR worthy hill at this entrance. Squat hold, plank.

Continue mosey jog to the 57 parking spaces.  Paint the lines with merkins.  Return trip, broad jump at each parking spot.  Squat hold and then squats.

Jog to the fountain, partner up OTW.  P1 bear crawl the fountain circle, P2 run around the adjacent parking lot.  Flap-jack.  Next trip, P1 lungewalk, P2 same run.

Fellowship jog back to the flag. Mary - 40 Freddy-Merc

COT: Count 17, Names also 17, some better than others. Announcements - Check out the newsletter, there is a Christmas party at Bond Bros. December 14th.  $10 per couple. Prayers - M Largemouth, C-section tomorrow.

YHC took us out.

NMS: - We hit 3.05 miles today, and according to the record book (Twitter box) that is a record.  Should be easily broken, but congratulations everyone!!! - Kyrie did not have gloves on and the guard rail was frost covered.  My hands were freezing and I had 2 pairs of gloves on……………….millennials!?!?  No complaints tho! - Term Pappy is back, tan and grizzled. - YHC had hoped to try for Waverly this AM, maybe next time.  Lots to do up there. - Unspoken prayers for Hermes sick Pythons.  Get well soon guys! - Apparently Hermes also got cut this morning, he should really be more careful.

See also