High Tempo Hangover

I wasn’t sure what kind of attendance to expect at a high tempo 0530 workout the morning after our Carpex Christmas party.  With three Gran Torino site Qs, I figured that means there should be at least four of us.  Turns out an impressive group of 15 only slightly subdued PAX showed up for their post-party beat down and my first GT Q.  Here’s what we did:


  • Jog to back entrance of school and circle up
  • 20 SSH, IC
  • 20 Imperial Walkers, IC
  • 25 Merkins
  • 20 Mountain Climbers, IC
  • 15 Windmills, IC
  • Resume jog to Preston Village circle

Thang 1

The Beast around Preston Village Circle.  Stop at each of the 6 streets for a different set of 6 exercises for 6 laps.

  • Spider Man/Peter Parker Merkins
  • Hand-release Merkins
  • Tuck jumps
  • Dying Cockroach
  • Jumping lunges
  • Burpees

Thang 2

  • Small group Indian run back to basketball court
  • Duck walk around the edge of the sand volleyball court
    • Establish the GT duck walk site record in the process
  • At the shelter
    • 20 dips, IC
    • 20 derkins
  • Run around the edge of sand volleyball court
  • At the shelter
    • 20 Irkins
    • 25 Jump squats, OYO
    • 20 dips, IC
  • Duck walk around edge of sand volleyball court, opposite direction
    • Establishing a pretty high bar for that site record
  • Jog back to flag and circle up


  • 20 Freddy Mercs, IC
  • 20 LBCs, IC
  • 20 Box cutters, IC


  • New Years Day convergence at FoD - see Slack for details
  • There will probably be another Christmas party next year


  • Ausfahrt’s recovery from his motorcycle accident - See Slack for Caring Bridge info
  • Crimson’s recovery from surgery
  • Water Wings hosting Latvian sibling children for the next few weeks

YHC took us out.  Always an honor to lead the men of Carpex

See also