High and Tight

Lots of EC going on at Tortoises this morning, three PAX for a fellowship lap around beautiful downtown Apex, multiple other PAX for all or part of EC pull-ups. No Theismann to keep track of the total count, but Rooney was there and he brought Def Leppard with him.

PAX were warned that today’s workout would be no running, and any running would be met with bonus burpees.


Brisk walk to the flag for the Pledge, then brisk walk to the front of the church and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, standard merkins (on my down), hold it, mountain climbers, hold it, standard merkins (on my down), hold it, plank jacks, hold it, standard merkins (on my down AND on my up) and hill billies.

The Thang

Four pairs of cones were placed along the front parking lot, perfect for some modified sprints. Bear crawl to the first cone, five merkins, lunge walk back, five squats. Bear crawl to the second cone, ten merkins, lunge walk back, ten squats. Bear crawl to the third cone, fifteen merkins, lunge walk back, fifteen squats. Bear crawl to the last cone, twenty merkins, lunge walk back, twenty squats.

Count off into 1’s and 2’s, 1’s BTTW while 2’s knock out twenty LBCs, then flapjack. Repeato with people’s chair and American hammers. Repeato again with BTTW and dying cock-a-roaches.

Repeato of the modified sprints, with Supermans at the cones and Homer-to-Marge at the starting line.

Back to the wall for BTTW and LBCs, people’s chair and squats, closing with BBTW and ten burpees.


Brisk walk back to the flag for everyone but Ascot, who decides to run. You know what that means, ten burpees OYO. Then around the circle for various PAX-led exercises. Finish up with just enough time for five more burpees OYO, because Crimson was clapping during the last set. YHC ain’t having that.


Count-a-rama:  20 Name-a-rama:  7 RESPECTs, 12 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for the PAX travelling to the Pet Sounds retreat this weekend, prayers for Liverpool and his family BOM:  YHC took us out


Nice to have Peeping Tom visiting from South Wake again.

Ma Bell complained that we only did 80 merkins.

First time working out with Ezekiel, he’s a good dude.

Yes, Liverpool, I did just get my hair cut, and it is high and tight. Thanks for noticing.

We were gonna do those burpees anyway.

I love getting up early and getting after it with you high impact men. Thank you for letting me lead this morning.

See also