Hidden Hills of Apex

Temps in the mid 40s. A perfect day for a strong group of 21 PAX to log a few miles and eat some hills for breakfast. Good to see Yoda make the trip from Raleigh again, and his guy Curry.

This was YHC’s 2-week delayed birthday Q, after being sick with the flu on my actual birthday.  Thanks to Burt for the beer lesson and for bringing me the gift of various of Anheuser Busch products (you know, because Michelob). I’m enjoying one right now as I type.

A little audible right from the start due to delayed tank top distribution, but we handled it well.

Warm Up

Circle up for:

  • 15 SSH, IC
  • 20 Imperial Walkers, IC
  • Plank while Burt explains what he brought with him this morning and tries to step in as co-Q
  • 25 Merkins
  • 20 Mountain Climbers, IC

Thang 1

  • Group run down Hunter Street toward Baucom Elementary
  • Stop at the top of Hinton Street hill
  • Squat hold and 20 squat jumps while rest of PAX arrive
  • Continue down to the bottom of hill on Hinton St
  • Plank jacks until all in

Thang 2

  • Partner up
  • Partner 1 - Run back to top of Hinton Street.  10 hand-release merkins. Return to bottom
  • Partner 2 - Run up Saunders Street to Apex Police Station.  10 double-count jumping lunges. Return to bottom
  • When both partners return, 20 Freddy Mercs
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato until time is called.
  • LBCs until all in

Thang 3

  • Backwards run back up Hinton Street to Hunter Street
  • At the top, get back with your parter for partner chase with 5 jump squats, back to skate park
  • Ladder sprint along Ambergate Station
  • 15 Peter Parker push-ups, IC


  • 20 dying cockroaches, IC
  • 20 flutter kicks, IC


  • The Bull this weekend - See Slack for more details


(There were several prayer request this morning. If I forgot any, please let me know and I will update the list)

  • Imp’s friend recently diagnosed with cancer
  • Shank’s family friends, the Whalens, and the loss of their father.  See Shank’s Slack post for how you can help them in their time of need.
  • Burt’s brother-in-law and his continuing cancer treatment
  • Burt’s son Big Bird as he prepares for his move
  • Old Maid’s M for upcoming colonoscopy

Always an honor to lead this fine group.

See also