Hidden Agenda

17 pax: Banjo, Bootlegger, Disco duck, Earhart, Headroom, Hummus, Juicy Fruit, Kool-Aid, Peeping Tom, Ramsey, Side Out, Slim Shady, Snooki, Steaks, Theismann, Triple Lindy, Wahoo,

Warmup 2 line Indian run around the front of church, back to flag, and then various warmup exercises and active stretching.

ME. Though the men did not know it, the following exercises are ones elite trail runners use that don’t live in mountainous terrain.  

Two line Indian run to the planter boxes, grab a partner. P1 runs the parking lot loop while P2 performs exercise, then flapjack.

Exercise 1. Single-Leg Step-Downs, 10-20 each leg. 

E2. Single-Leg Step-Downs, 10-20 each leg . 

E3. Forward Lunge, 10-20 each leg then 10 merkins, repeat

E4. Forward Lunge, 10-20 each leg then 10 merkins, repeat

E5. Rear Lunge, 10-20 each leg then 10 diamond merkins, repeatE6: E5. Rear Lunge, 10-20 each leg then 10 diamond merkins, repeat

2 line Indian run back to the flag

Mary led by: Bootlegger, Hummus, Juicy Fruit, Kool Aid, Side Out, Snooki, and Steaks
COTOdyssey this Saturday, TCP Sawgrass Nov 1Various prayers were shared.

YHC shared the following: Somewhere along the way, comfort became the key to happiness, the big house, lots of things, maybe a comfortable car with heated seats. Yet these material things never seem to make us happy. In the process we have softened both mentally and physically. Somewhere we lost our way. I challenged the men to do hard things so they can then enjoy some comforts, though never relinquishing the continual activity of doing hard things, to stay sharp, nimble and adaptable. 


Single-Leg Step-Downs, unlike traditional step-ups, start with both feet on the planter box, let your body fall back to the ground. When the foot hits the ground, step up again. It should feel like a soft, controlled bounce off the ground, almost like you are running, but with the leg on the box doing almost all of the work. Repeat in rhythm, feeling your quad, hips, and butt fatigue rapidly. 10-20 per leg then switch legs. 

Forward Lunge. Start with the classic forward lunge, stepping forward until your opposite (back) knee touches the ground softly, planting majority of weight on forward leg, then returning to center. Do 10-20 on each leg, then alternate.

Rear Lunge. Repeat the same exercise, but stepping backward this time, until the knee on the leg you are stepping with gently touches the ground, maintaining majority of weight on the forward leg, then return to center. Do 10-20 on each leg, then alternate.


See also