Hey, There's Callie

Gloomy and humid after a much-needed rain the night before, 13 gathered in the semi-darkness of Thomas Brooks Park full of optimism and talk of seeing light at he end of the tunnel. Little did they know, that was an on-coming train - The Pain Train. With The Rolling Stone making its first appearance at FOD, 4 walked off into the gloom with sand bags and metal plates on their backs, while 9 did this:


Jog around the parking lot and stop (in the middle of the street) for:

  • Helicopters x 5 IC
  • GM x 10 IC
  • O/H Claps x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Forward Lunges x 5 (ea leg) IC

The Thang

Lining up at the crosswalk by the bathrooms/shelter, backward run up the hill stopping at the 3rd light pole for 30 Heels to Heaven, run back down and do 10 Merkins. Repeat this, adding/subtracting 5 reps until the final set we did 10 H-H and 30 Merkins. For the mathematically challenged, that’s a hundo each of Merkins and H-H

Mosey to the shelter and split into two groups. One group starts with 10 box jumps, the other 5 Pull-up Burpees, then flapjack. Keep going decreasing by 1 each set until you do 6 box jumps and 1 pull-up burpee.

Jog to the commie-ball field and line up on the near sideline for x LBCs, bear crawl 10 or 12 yards toward the far sideline and do x Merkins, Sprint the remainder of the way to the far sideline and do x Squats. Repeato sets where: x = 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. In between sets, either squat hold or plank hold as called. For the mathematically challenged, that’s a hundo LBCS, Merkins, and Squats.

Jog to basketball court, picking up the ruckers along the way for:


  • 20 x Hello Dollys
  • 20 x Flutter Kicks
  • 10 x Freddie Mercuries
  • Have a Nice Day


Count-a-rama: Lucky 13 - 4 ruckers + 9 bootcampers Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS, 10 mehs Prayers / Praises: Praises for the growth of Beaker’s company; many unspoken prayers BOM: YHC took us out


  • You might be wondering, “why is Callie part of the title of this backblast? He wasn’t even there!” You would be right; he wasn’t there.
  • My guess is he was ashamed to show his shameful face after having voted for Pullen Park for the full moon convergence on 11/4.
  • You’re dead to me, Callie.
  • Not really, brother. I still love you, just not happy with what you did. We’ll work on this relationship over beers.
  • Seriously, why was he in the BB title? Well it went something like this. Cally’s name was mentioned in COT and right on queue, a car eerily matching Callie’s drove by, prompting Katniss to shout “Hey, there’s Callie!” We all laughed and laughed and laughed.
  • You had to be there - as well as the times when Callie was late. It was classic.
  • OK, enough about that. It was an honor to lead you men and to spend time with all of you today. Thanks to Beaker for leading the ruck.

See also