Hey There!

Started the morning with an EC run. I can’t remember who I ran with but while we were running a young man on his bike rode by, stopped and then came back to us and asked if we were with F3. Of course we said yes, told him where to go, and headed to the flag.

His hospital name is Niko (with an N) and since he had posted in Davidson, his F3 name is “Hey There.” He was wearing a tank top, so we liked him right away.

0545 and we set off with the Rubberband Man following us. [Side Note: Did you know there’s a song called Rubberband Man and it’s performed by The Spinners?]

Circle up in front of the Art Museum.

**Warm Up
**Good Morning, Windmill, SSH, Steve Earle

**Thang One
**Stairway to Elevens: Perform 1 L/R Mnt. Climber; Go to 1st Step, do 1 Squat; Run to top perform 1 Burpee; Run down ramp do 1 Irkin, 1 Dip, 1 Box Jump. Repeat 10 more times to get to the top of the steps increasing the reps by 1 each time to 11.

**Thang Two
**Run behind the school, partner up. P1 runs 1 lap around the track, P2 hold plank. Flip Flop. Repeat with Low Slow Flutters.

Mosey back to the flag.


**Crazy Train this weekend
Remember D-Day, the men and women who served, and those that paid the ultimate price.

YHC took us out with an anonymous quote

“I am strong because I’ve been weak. I am fearless because I’ve been afraid. I am wise because I’ve been foolish.”


See also