Hey, Hey What Can I Do

I’ve been back at school for over a week and feeling my age when trying to incorporate technology into remote learning. Not that I’m against it, just takes me a while to learn it and get comfortable using it; kind of like Hermes trying to use Wordpress. That was the spark for tonights workout. The exicon has many exercises named after Boomers and older. The theme was lost on the PAX. Especially with Hates that have no idea who some of these people the exercises are named after. Bo Jackson, 16, are you kidding me. I have underwear older than him.

  • 2 minute Warning

  • No FNG’s, No Disclaimer, Mission, Pledge

  • Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the ToC campus. 

  • Abe Vigoda’s (94 deceased)

  • Al Gore’s: (72)

  • Butkus: (77) Rapid step ups on a curb

  • Bernie Sanders: (78) Find the tallest hill you can and traverse it from bottom to top while running backwards.

  • Diamond David Lee Roth Burpee:(65) Burpee with a Diamond Merkin. Instead of just “Jump"ing, do a David Lee Roth scissor kick at the end. I had to do mine of a small wall. Don’t have the hops I used to. Someone should have taken pictures.

  • Robert Plant: (72) Running up a stairway.

  • Thang 1Bill Murray (69) 

    • Blocks from FRED (42 in truck years)

10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 BBSU, and 10 burpee/blockee each time. Run around Page Walker House and repeat like ‘Groundhog Day.’ 4 Rounds (I think)

  • Thang 2: Bruce Lee (32, born in 1940)

    • Mosey to grassy spot with the 2-piece horse, carrying your block or at least pieces of your block. Whiteclaw totally destroyed his block. 
    • A super set consisting of 6 ab exercises: 1. Hammer, 2. Flutter kicks, 3. LBC’s, 4. Freddy Mercury’s, 5. Outlaws, 6.  Reverse Crunch.    one set of 20 reps and one set of 10. Ran out of time
  • Mary

    • Peter Parker (1st published 1968)
    • Nolan Ryan (73)
    • Dancing Chilcutt’s (51)
  • Count off, Name-o-rama: 7 PAX; 1 Hate/Hate; 2 Hates; 2 Meh’s; 2 Respects. The Captain turns 50 in a month.

  • Announcements/Prayers: The Deacon; Golf Tournament; Prayers for a friend of VHS (Kim) as she deals with ALS. Parents, students, and teachers. YHC took us out in prayer.

  • NMS: Great night for a workout with a great group of men. Bo Jackson is a fine young man; you should be proud Dice. Talked to Bo about limited and no run options we have, Dice is struggling with some injuries. One Four and Kermit getting in some BRR training. Good chatter from the Captain. Nice to see VHS out again, starting to be a regular at Rush Hour. I believe Whiteclaws’s block ended up in 6 pieces, that he could find.
    Hey, Hey What Can I Do. Zeppelin’s best song.

See also