Hermesversary week Part 2 of 2

1 year ago I posted at my 2nd F3 workout and first in CarPex at which I was named by our now NanTan - Ma Bell. It was brutal, we spent the entire workout carrying around brick pavers. I was sore for days! And I was hooked! This has been an awesome year of growth for me physically, spiritually and in service. I am very grateful for the leadership of the F3Nation and specifically all the Q’s in Carpex! I appreciate Shut-In not taking no or maybe for a response to his persistent invitations to F3 workouts! At one point in my life, I thought I was pretty intense and productive, until I found the F3 nation! I am continually humiliated by the intensity of the PAX! Excellence Beats The Sunrise!

This morning we had a Saint Patrick’s Day themed workout: Ssh - 20 American Hammers - 20 Indian Bear Crawl Nolan Ryans - 20 Tempo Merkins - 10 partner up, P1 do the exercise, P2 run around the pickle and switch combine for 150 of each of the following:

Plank Jacks Australian Mtn Climbers Turkish Get Ups (okay, okay, modify to 75 of these) Thanks to F3 GrandStrand for showing me this exercise at #Bombsquad on Wednesday. Rosalitas Imperial Walkers Carolina Dry Docks Knerkins (my knuckles are actually sore, that is a first for me!) Star Jumps

Diamond Merkins Alternating left right step ups on the b=ball court wall Yogi called WWII’s to finish up. I am glad he was there, I was struggling to find a Y-exercise till he got there!

COT, Announcements - The Bull hosted by Churham, 4/1, 0600, location TBD, sign up. Yogi gave an inspirational message on diet, and how he has lost 65 pounds by not drinking sugar drinks and cutting cream out of his coffee.. and I assume some other changes. Prayer Requests, a friend of the Pax’s wife has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia

NMS: Yogi’s WWII pace is incredible! He did 50, i might have done 25. Yogi showing up was an awesome way to get the “Y” i needed to fill out our Saint Patrick’s DaY theme. Yes, Term Paper, Saint Patrick does have a K! And yes, the Knerkins did suck! This was my 5th full on Q, i am beginning to get a routine and not lose as much sleep the night before. It’s all about putting together a plan. If you haven’t Q’d, what are you waiting on. It’s not that hard! The BRR team sure does send out a lot of emails!

See also