Hermes is a beast

And today he was a beast at complaining.

It was like I was at BO with Callahan all over again.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

YHC slept like crap last night. Tossed and turned dreaming about Uwharrie. You see, B-a-B and crew have a 20 mile trail run planned for Sunday morning that the heart is saying “yes yes yes” to while the mind is saying “you’re an idiot”. 3:24 AM rolled around and I woke with a start thinking it was time to get to SWW for the EC wit nothing but 3,124’ of elevation on my mind. With some difficulty, I rolled back to sleep.

A little while later, the “F3 Far Away” alarm goes off. 4:40AM means I have 15 minute to get ready. 15 minutes sounds like a long time until you pull up a FlipFlop backblast. 17 minutes later, I’m rolling out of the garage with one sock one, the other (of a different color mind you) in the front seat and both shoes (luckily matched) sitting next to them.

Rolled into SWW with two minutes to spare, Desire by Gene Loves Jezebel pumping through the speakers.


3-ish miles covered at usually record-setting pace. Hermes and YHC in the front the whole time naturally. Until Chops decided he wanted some light for the return journey on the greenway and effortlessly caught up, jabbering like this was another easy stroll through the grocery store. That dude is a machine! Hermes complains that Chops is too fast.


  • Tell the FNG that F3 is all about accountability and that we are hear to support and build each other up. Hermes complains that we began too early.
  • Someone notices Coxswain hasn’t made it back to the flag.
  • We do the Pledge and hope Coxswain didn’t fall into the creek. Hermes complained he didn’t wait for Coxswain.


Mosey to the coffee shop at Lochmere that has never been open as far as YHC has been coming to SWW. SSH, GMs, IW, Sir Fazios. Hermes begins complaining about his shoulders being sufficiently warmed up.

Partner up for alternating 10x merkins & Low Plank holds. 50 merkins each. Hermes continues complaining about his shoulders not needing any more work.


Halfpipe underneath the roadway. 10x burpees on one end - 20 merkins on the other. 20x squats and a bear crawl in the middle. Hermes complains that the instructions are taking too long.

Hermes complains that the space under the roadway is too dark.

We did the Thang 5x

Hermes complains that the Thang is too repetitive.

We swat held for the 6.

Hermes did not complain. He didn’t squat either. I guess that’s a win.

Mosey along the greenway back to Ritter


Homer to Marge, LBC, Dying Cockroaches, E2K.

Hermes was unhappy that his left oblique got more swole than this right.


Hermes drilled a hole in the parking lot.


23 including ~3 Respects and 1 FNG

Announcements: check out the Carying Place 5k!

Prayers: school, educators, hospice and cancer.

Hermes complained we had to walk back to the flag.


  • Welcome to our FNG Steve! I hope you enjoyed your V-post. Steve (Stephen?) is a former military man and it showed during most cadence counts. Cumulus brought him out.He has two kids and enjoys the guitar. Welcome Tiny Tim!
  • Hermes never disappoints. I love the man. He was at my first post and he carried my ass around my first Maynard. Happy to give him something to complain about.
  • Never finished that Flip Flop BB.

See also