Here we go again

After an already fun-filled week (BroGa, evening yog, #ruckTheMaynard), a stroke of good fortune allowed YHC to Q at Slippery When Wet on his birthday. 13 hearty PAX turned out to help me get started on my 44th trip around the sun.

Plenty of #InvisibleShirts in the mix for the EC runners, and a fair bit of gloom to start us off. With the 1975 playlist in full swing, we did an awkward pickle run and circled up for..


  • SSH x25
  • GM x10
  • Merican x20
  • MC x20
  • Arm circles forward, overhead claps, arm circles reverse…… Moroccan night club. It’s a Bartman Q, you know the deal.


Yog on down to one end of the parking lot. 6 exercises each at the two light poles, far end of the lot, and back. Six-six.

  • The standard Merican
  • Squat jump
  • Flutter kick (4 count)
  • Diamond Merican
  • Carolina dry dock
  • Burpee. It’s a Bartman Q. You know the deal.

Beast complete. Six-six-six. We have a couple songs left, so yog on over to the picnic shelter and do a couple rounds of ALRSU, dip, derkin.

Over to the nearby field for Thunderstruck. It’s a Bartman Q, you were expecting Sally. I get it. Gotta keep you on your toes. Like how you should run.

Start running from one end of the field to the other. Turn around at the opposite end. Every time you hear “thunder,” do a burpee. I’m told there are 33. Which means we would’ve done 69 total on the morning if perfectly executed.

Back to the flag for..

  • LBC x20
  • Dying cockroach x20
  • Freddie Mercury x20
  • American hammer x20.. this is a Bartman Q..
  • Flutter kick x43 IC to finish us out.


Great to see the SE Cary PAX this morning. Had to bounce before coffee, but I’ll catch you next time. #2ndF Good to see Horatio out for another workout. A few more and it’ll be time to Q! Come on out next week for a Blue Water VQ.. #notfakenews Yes, Mamma Mia came out in 1975. YHC is Swedish. I can play it once a year, right?

See also